Prime Video - Streaming

Prime Video

Streaming ab 25.11.2022  


Streaming ab 24.11.2022
Streaming ab 23.11.2022
Streaming ab 18.11.2022


Streaming ab 14.11.2022
Streaming ab 11.11.2022
Streaming ab 10.11.2022
Streaming ab 04.11.2022


Streaming ab 03.11.2022
Streaming ab 28.10.2022


Streaming ab 27.10.2022
Streaming ab 22.10.2022



NecrotongueThe Peripheral - Jackpot(2022) 

The fourth episode was extremely "optimistic." While lacking in action, it brought many clear answers to questions that had accumulated in my mind during the first season so far. Although I slightly deduct points from… (mehr)

GoldbeaterBones and All(2022) 

The first Guadagnino film that I really liked. A slow, thoughtful and heartfelt road-movie with cannibal characters that can be mistaken for vampires or even regular humans, it simply works as it should. Just dive in… (mehr)


Olivier Marchal and another tough macho gangster flick! The combination of France and Marchal has suited me for over 10 years now, the guy makes decent genre films and I always look forward to each of his new releases.… (mehr)