Paramount+ - Streaming-Dienste

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Streaming ab 10.10.2024  
Streaming ab 06.10.2024


Streaming ab 03.10.2024
Streaming ab 29.09.2024
Streaming ab 26.09.2024


Streaming ab 25.09.2024
Streaming ab 23.09.2024
Streaming ab 22.09.2024
Streaming ab 20.09.2024


Streaming ab 18.09.2024
Streaming ab 17.09.2024
Streaming ab 15.09.2024


Streaming ab 13.09.2024
Streaming ab 12.09.2024



agentmikyDer Marathon Mann(1976) 

I’ve reached a stage where I’m catching up on older cinema. At one point, I had to watch this gritty drama by director John Schlesinger. I certainly didn’t expect the film to grab me as much as it did. It’s true that… (mehr)

DaViD´82Der Pate(1972) 

I give you an offer you cannot refuse. Either you watch The Godfather and get to see the zenith of filmmaking craft or... No comment. But in that case, don’t be surprised if you find a part of a horse in your bed this… (mehr)

RemedyThe Game - Das Geschenk seines Lebens(1997) 

Michael Douglas, Sean Penn, and David Fincher – you just can't go wrong. While this is far from Fincher's best film, it is very respectably above average. Suspense, a fair amount of "mystery", a great performance by… (mehr)