Apple TV+ - Streaming-Dienste

Apple TV+

Streaming ab 14.08.2014  


Streaming ab 12.08.2014
Streaming ab 10.08.2014
Streaming ab 08.08.2014


Streaming ab 07.08.2014


Streaming ab 06.08.2014


Streaming ab 03.08.2014
Streaming ab 02.08.2014


Beste Filme auf Streaming-Dienst



lampsThe Expendables 3(2014) 

A couple of minutes after the end, and I already don’t know what it was about. Maybe it’s because it was about nothing... :) While the second one made my heart skip a beat at the fact that an action film today can still… (mehr)

DaViD´82Planet der Affen: Revolution(2014) 

People. Apes. Hominids. Mammals. Scum. Everybody. Speak. Lots. CGI. Lots. Blockbuster. Thought. Seemingly. Superficial. Black and white. Too simple. Half-assed. First. Better. Suspense. Subliminal. Silence. Storm.… (mehr)

kaylinJimmy's Hall(2014) 

In the film Jimmy's Hall, what's interesting is how you can also explore historical events, in this case through one dance hall that you might think isn't particularly important. And yet it was. But the plot failed to… (mehr)