Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming ab 14.03.2024  


Streaming ab 13.03.2024
Streaming ab 08.03.2024


Streaming ab 07.03.2024


Streaming ab 06.03.2024
Streaming ab 05.03.2024
Streaming ab 04.03.2024


Streaming ab 03.03.2024
Streaming ab 01.03.2024


Beste Filme auf Streaming-Dienst



DaViD´82Like Father, Like Son(2013) 

A baby switch from a distinguished Japanese perspective. Two families with a different social status standing before a Sophie’s Choice of the modern world. Giving up their assumed son for their real six-year-old son… (mehr)

J*A*S*MNight of the Hunted(2023) 

Khalfoun can boldly be counted among the horror filmmakers from whom fans expected big things early in his career thanks to one big hit, but that ultimately didn't materialize. Night of the Hunted is a generic thriller… (mehr)

EvilPhoEniXNight of the Hunted(2023) 

An all too ordinary thriller from the French by the once talented Franck Khalfoun. In the past he has given us the fine thriller P2 and an excellent remake of Maniac, so he has quite an eye for the madman, but his new… (mehr)