Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming ab 02.04.2020  


Streaming ab 01.04.2020


Streaming ab 31.03.2020
Streaming ab 30.03.2020
Streaming ab 28.03.2020


Streaming ab 27.03.2020



Beste Filme auf Streaming-Dienst



D.MooreLucy In The Sky(2019) 

Too bad for the kind of ineptly shot, though very important introduction for the plot from space that was supposed to convince me that (and why) Lucy wants to go back as soon as possible. It didn't convince me much, and… (mehr)

FilmmaniakGirl on the Third Floor(2019) 

A horror with an ordinary theme (a man comes to renovate an old house he recently bought without realizing that it is cursed and haunted), but also with a relatively original concept that adds a specific mythology to… (mehr)

MalarkeyLucy In The Sky(2019) 

The Hollywood has screenwriters that are able to create a perfect story but it also has screenwriters who wouldn’t be able to break through, not even in Belize. Lucy in the Sky has the same boring premise as Away… (mehr)