Prime Video - Streaming-Dienste

Prime Video

Streaming ab 27.02.2019  


Streaming ab 25.02.2019
Streaming ab 24.02.2019
Streaming ab 22.02.2019
Streaming ab 21.02.2019
Streaming ab 20.02.2019


Streaming ab 19.02.2019
Streaming ab 18.02.2019
Streaming ab 17.02.2019
Streaming ab 15.02.2019


Streaming ab 14.02.2019
Streaming ab 13.02.2019
Streaming ab 12.02.2019


Streaming ab 10.02.2019
Streaming ab 08.02.2019
Streaming ab 07.02.2019



LimaHard Powder(2019) 

A delightful murder mystery where it’s clear to me that its subtle nuances will not be picked up by the average viewer. There are moments that it looks like something from the Coens at their peak. Unfortunately, it has… (mehr)

EvilPhoEniXHard Powder(2019) 

Probably the most pointless film I've seen in the cinema this year, and it would be a shame if this was one of Liam Neeson's last roles. The film is a remake of the Norwegian In Order of Disappearance, which I can… (mehr)

D.MooreHard Powder(2019) 

Why this remake originated remains a mystery to me, but the main thing is that it's an excellent film. Just like the original. When I compare Cold Pursuit to In Order of Disappearance, I have to say that it has overcome… (mehr)