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Prime Video







lampsThe Killing(1956) 

Kubrick is God and I've made sure several times that I can get everything from him. While the trio The Shining-Odyssey-Full Metal Jacket is far superior to his other films and represents for me the pinnacle of cinema as… (mehr)

OthelloE.T. - Der Außerirdische(1982) 

My natural emotional defenses against cutely ugly windbags with funny voiceovers were not overcome, so I kept seeing a legless youth dressed in a costume. And it doesn't help that Williams has basically made an opera… (mehr)

KakaE.T. - Der Außerirdische(1982) 

A brilliant thing for young audiences. Steven Spielberg is able to effortlessly and yet captivatingly evoke emotions in the vast majority of viewers. Although it is a legend, it didn't affect me as much as I would have… (mehr)

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