Netflix - Streaming


Streaming ab 01.05.2024  
Streaming ab 30.04.2024



Streaming ab 29.04.2024


Streaming ab 28.04.2024
Streaming ab 27.04.2024
Streaming ab 26.04.2024
Streaming ab 25.04.2024



Beste Filme auf Streaming-Dienst



IsherwoodThe Shallows - Gefahr aus der Tiefe(2016) 

Blake is kissable and the seagull is straight-up Oscar-worthy, but the whole story, despite its sympathetic length, is kind of dull and features no real surprises. A couple of times I admiringly pondered the production… (mehr)

StanislausVan Helsing(2004) 

We still have a VHS of Van Helsing at home (quite possibly no longer working) and I remember watching the film regularly about once a year. Now I've come back to it after some time, and I suddenly find that relatively a… (mehr)

lampsThe Shallows - Gefahr aus der Tiefe(2016) 

When an ordinary mortal encounters a clearly pissed off and big white shark with a full set of teeth while surfing, they are instantly done for. But when such a shark encounters Blake Lively, an American who can… (mehr)