Netflix - Streaming-Dienste


Streaming ab 04.08.2022  
Streaming ab 03.08.2022


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Streaming ab 31.07.2022


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Streaming ab 28.07.2022


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Streaming ab 24.07.2022
Streaming ab 23.07.2022


Streaming ab 22.07.2022


Beste Filme auf Streaming-Dienst



J*A*S*MThe Gray Man(2022) 

As an action spy flick, it’s alright, but as something with a 200 million USD budget aiming to be the best of the Netflix showcase, it’s a bust. To be fair, though, the current blockbusters from classic movie studios … (mehr)

EdiebalboaThe Gray Man(2022) 

The Gray Man proves that Netflix can have all the money they want, but they won't get rid of the syndrome of cheap disposable entertainment. What on earth were those crazy drone flyovers? Couldn’t the Russos afford… (mehr)

EvilPhoEniXThe Gray Man(2022) 

This year's biggest Netflix event could have had bigger ambitions, but for me, it's still a fun spy actioner that I have a soft spot for. Extraction is still one of Netflix's best actioners, and I have 6 Underground… (mehr)