Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming ab 17.06.2022  



Streaming ab 16.06.2022


Streaming ab 15.06.2022


Streaming ab 13.06.2022
Streaming ab 12.06.2022
Streaming ab 10.06.2022


Beste Filme auf Streaming-Dienst



IsherwoodJurassic World: Ein neues Zeitalter(2022) 

This is the recycling of the dinosaur movies where all the good has gone down the drain, leaving an unpleasant concentration of what is wrong with the Hollywood factory. The lazy script follows the same pattern for the… (mehr)

novotenJurassic World: Ein neues Zeitalter(2022) 

It is difficult to maintain the pace for more than one scene and except for the surprisingly grandiose and repeatedly escalating difficulties in Malta, it is impossible to immerse yourself in the plot. Every beautiful… (mehr)

MarigoldJurassic World: Ein neues Zeitalter(2022) 

A totally unworkable plot of repetitive action scenes that jumps like a flea only to finally retell what has been told several times before, but in a much more clumsy and emotionless way. The screenplay is a disaster,… (mehr)