Apple TV+ - Streaming-Dienste

Apple TV+

Streaming ab 19.02.2019  
Streaming ab 18.02.2019


Streaming ab 17.02.2019
Streaming ab 16.02.2019


Streaming ab 15.02.2019
Streaming ab 14.02.2019




Beste Filme auf Streaming-Dienst



J*A*S*MAlita: Battle Angel(2019) 

A tarted-up lot of nothing that’s nice to look at. The visuals are unsurprisingly superb, Rodríguez’s direction is surprisingly solid and focused, and the robotic/computer generated main character is very likeable. I… (mehr)

OthelloHappy Deathday 2U(2019) booo!

What the fuck, just shoot yourself right now. If the plot itself is trying to transfer the heroine's fluster at finding herself day after day in a horribly lit world full of completely inept, unfunny assholes (the Dean!… (mehr)

DaViD´82Sommer 1943 - Das Ende der Unschuld(2016) 

(Non) humanized (non) adaptation of Snyder's freezing Bloody Lands in the form of Ukrainian-Polish-German-Russian-Jewish (non) coexistence. But it is sadly fragmented into individual scenes from hell à la Come and see… (mehr)