Apple TV+ - Streaming-Dienste

Apple TV+

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Beste Filme auf Streaming-Dienst



F. W. Murnau was definitely a genius of imagery and proves that even after almost a hundred years, his films are still very effective in this regard. In this case, it essentially reaches the point where it presents a… (mehr)

OthelloDer Vagabund und das Kind(1921) 

[original version] The best flying dog in movie history! I don't think Chaplin and I will be friends otherwise. The character seems insanely creepy to me, which is probably helped by knowing about the comedian's… (mehr)


Our Little Fellow, this time in Alaska. Now we get a hearty new commentary by Chaplin, his music, and a sprinkling of original direction and acting. I certainly don't feel that this is the film of my lifetime - it's… (mehr)

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