Apple TV+ - Streaming-Dienste

Apple TV+

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Beste Filme auf Streaming-Dienst


EvilPhoEniXThe Communion Girl(2023) 

A likeable Spanish ghost film without any higher ambitions, but it reliably meets all the necessary parameters, and nothing better from the ghost genre has come out this year. The story is set in the 1980s and centres… (mehr)

OthelloDer Vagabund und das Kind(1921) 

[original version] The best flying dog in movie history! I don't think Chaplin and I will be friends otherwise. The character seems insanely creepy to me, which is probably helped by knowing about the comedian's… (mehr)

lampsAusgerechnet Wolkenkratzer(1923) 

The jokes aren't as elaborate as in Chaplin's films and Lloyd isn't as masterful a mimic comedian as Charlie, but it's still a blast. The humour is ubiquitous, varied and, above all, effective, and the story is… (mehr)

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