Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming ab 07.03.2022  
Streaming ab 06.03.2022


Streaming ab 05.03.2022
Streaming ab 04.03.2022



Streaming ab 03.03.2022



Beste Filme auf Streaming-Dienst



LimaThe Batman(2022) 

Batman as a Fincher-style whodunit for depressed photophobics? I’m in! Finally an adult comic book experience – what a relief after all the one-note Marvel coloring books. And in the words of an advertising slogan for a… (mehr)

OthelloThe Batman(2022) 

Reeves's The Batman is a well-informed original that knows that few are curious about another long introduction of a hero mentioned hundreds of times, and therefore assumes the viewer is already familiar with the… (mehr)

KakaThe Batman(2022) 

If the world of Batman that Christopher Nolan created didn't exist, Matt Reeves's The Batman would be a more than worthy upgrade to the old Burton films, because the main assets of the original films, i.e. the gothic… (mehr)