
Saša feels that her marriage to Karel has come to a dead end, so she decides to move out for a while, finding refuge with Dušan. Both are trying to work out their relationships and provide support for each other as uncertainty gets the better of them. Bohdan Karásek’s feature debut directs its focus on the spontaneity of both dialogue and performance. With discreet elegance and subtle humour it portrays the world of thirty-somethings, who seek, find and sometimes also lose their friends and life partners. Karel, Me and You is the next instalment in the series of “domestic films” (Lucie, 2011; Love Songs, 2013), which enabled the director to shoot his projects despite a lack of funding. He turns the limitations of working with a low budget to his advantage, thereby leaving his unique stamp on Czech cinema. (Karlovy Vary International Film Festival)


Kritiken (3)

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Englisch Bohdan Karásek is for me a wonderful discovery in the field of Czech cinema. I already found his medium-length pictures Love Songs and Lucie very intriguing, so I was really looking forward to this conversational relationship movie. High expectations often lead to disappointment, but I am happy to say that this is not the case. It’s not often that you get to see a movie so real and at the same time so clever. Moreover, it has the wonderful charm of an authentic message. Some of the dialogue exchanges could be set in stone. Even from the acting point of view, it's a great show. (85%) ()


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Deutsch Der storytechnisch banale Film nutzt absichtlich das vorhandene Potenzial eines Liebesdreiecks nicht aus und bleibt von Anfang bis Ende ausschließlich in einer genrespezifisch unspezifischen Form, die man als essayistisches Gesprächsdrama über Liebesgespräche, das Leben und Beziehungen definieren kann. Dabei finden tiefsinnige Debatten der Charaktere größtenteils in einer Art freundschaftlichen Gesprächs bei Bier mit einem Hauch von leichter Philosophie statt. Auf den ersten Blick wird der Film ein wenig von offensichtlicher Billigkeit (geringes Budget, fehlende Beleuchtung, visuell unattraktives Bild) untergraben, was zum Glück durch die reife Regie und das Drehbuch des vielversprechenden Schöpfers ausgeglichen wird, dessen Stärke in der Betonung der Natürlichkeit und Authentizität der schauspielerischen Leistungen und der Dialoge, die dem Leben abgeschaut sind, liegt. Dadurch entsteht ein sympathisch wirkender kleiner Generationenfilm mit persönlicher Note. ()


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Englisch What I find good about this weird film is that it stars Jenovéfa Boková and no animals were harmed. Well, that’s about it. I did not notice any kind of plot, just endless philosophizing about relationships accompanied by drums. Over time, all that useless claptrap and drumming started getting on my nerves, and given how bored I was, the film was disgustingly long. ()

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