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Kritiken (7 628)


Kleo - Season 1 (2022) (Staffel) 

Englisch I had hoped the Germans would deliver something in the vein of The Americans, but sadly, that wasn't the case. Instead, the creators opted for dubious humor, sacrificing any sense of seriousness or tension. What we got was a bizarre spectacle with "hilarious" German humor. / Lesson learned: There's nothing like a thoroughly brainwashed mind. 3*-


Drei Leben - Das Experiment (2023) (Folge) 

Englisch I would very much like to change the rating, but recently I saw a Polish series Forest, which annoyed me even more than this matter, so I can't go lower below, but I can't increase the number of fives either, because the whole story seems dumber and dumber to me. All the characters behave extremely strangely, the script pretends to be very mysterious, but so far it's just treading water, but what do I know, there are two episodes left, so it's possible that Sepp Dietrich or Leni Riefenstahl will emerge from somewhere. / Lesson: One wouldn't say what can be cloned from a tall Aryan woman.


Drei Leben - Öl und Wasser (2023) (Folge) 

Englisch Honestly, it wasn't so bad that I wanted to claw my eyes out. In fact, I started getting a bit curious about the whole sibling mess. The problem is that the soap opera vibe seems to suit the Mexican audience, but it really just distracts and annoys me. This also affects the acting; the actress playing the triplets just didn't come across as convincing. And let's not even talk about the logic — it's all over the place. / Lesson learned: Even a kidnapper might have good intentions.


Drei Leben - Werde ich verrückt? (2023) (Folge) 

Englisch The plot was surprisingly interesting. For the first time, I felt compelled to give it a three-star rating. However, several scenes felt so fake that it really took me out of the experience. Still, this is the highest rating I've ever given a soap opera episode. / Lesson learned: Always wear fishnet stockings to the pool. 2*+


Drei Leben - Herrenclub Olympia (2023) (Folge) 

Englisch Yep, the Mexicans have cranked out another soap opera, this time adding a layer of faux suspense with a mysterious plot to hook unsuspecting viewers — myself included, since I've already watched three episodes and plan to finish the remaining five. Now I'm caught up in a whirlwind of flashbacks featuring a deceased character's memories (if that's not bizarre, I don't know what is), and watching Maite Perroni dramatically overact as Tamara, who comes off more like a pint-sized Terminator. And of course, the creators couldn't resist weaving in their trademark romantic and steamy scenes, which add oh-so-much value to the story... / Lesson learned: Don't trust the creators of Mexican series.


Drei Leben - Molotowcocktail (2023) (Folge) 

Englisch The biggest mystery for me is how the main character manages to work for the police. Seems like the inquisitors have a different set of rules. This still leans more towards a uniquely styled telenovela than a true thriller, which isn't necessarily a good thing. / Lesson learned: An alcoholic is always armed.


Drei Leben - 33 × 3 (2023) (Folge) 

Englisch The pilot episode did introduce the plot and characters, but there were too many flashbacks, repetitive scenes, and way too much time spent on telenovela-style drama. The logic was also a bit lacking, so my two-star rating reflects my disappointment. / Lesson learned: If you're picking a sniper for your team, an eye doctor's report should be a top priority.


Lobola Man (2024) 

Englisch This romantic comedy had all the predictable plot points and clichés you'd expect, but surprisingly, it didn't put me in a bad mood. The filmmakers skipped the heavy racial messages and instead delivered a charming, tasteful story with genuinely funny moments.Three stars is actually a good rating from me, as I rarely give romantic comedies four or five stars. This movie managed to bring a genuine smile to my face, and I enjoyed it overall. / Lesson learned: It's better to pay for your bride with money — livestock is just too bulky. 3*+


Schatten der Mörder - Shadowplay (2020) (Serie) 

Englisch I was really looking forward to a series set in post-war Berlin, though I had my reservations. Unfortunately, those reservations were well-founded. The creators took us through the ruins of the Third Reich's capital, where three-quarters of the city were under the influence of democratic forces trying to reform the former Nazis, while the last quarter was ruled by the Soviet Mordor. I harbor no illusions about the Soviet heroes; while they played a crucial role in defeating Nazi Germany, it’s worth remembering that the future Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe had training grounds in the Soviet Union. Poles and Finns have their own stories, and women often returned from encounters with Soviet soldiers with traumatic experiences. Both European defenders of democracy allowed Hitler to trample over the Treaty of Versailles and even gifted him things that weren’t theirs to give. The Americans hated the Nazis only as long as it didn’t serve their interests. They interned over 100,000 of their own citizens just because they were of Japanese descent. The French, without a second thought, used the worst SS butchers in their Foreign Legion against the Viet Minh in Indochina. Netflix seemed hesitant to dive into the more complex aspects of this history, resulting in a dull narrative fragmented into multiple storylines that ultimately led nowhere. / Lesson learned: A one-sided view of history is often highly misleading. 3*--


Schatten der Mörder - Shadowplay - Heimkehr (2020) (Folge) 

Englisch The finale really ticked me off because the creators, in a popular move nowadays, took the easy way out by leaving plotlines dangling. If viewers want to know what happens next, they have to wait for another season (or more). I don’t really care how the story continues because it wasn't that thrilling. But who knows, maybe it'll grow on me, and I'll give the next season a shot. Or maybe not, given that the series is from 2020 and it probably grew old for the producers too. / Lesson learned: Where would the American space program be without hardcore Nazi and prominent SS member Werner von Braun? The end justifies the means, I guess.