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Neueste Kritiken (7 715)


The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - Susan (2023) (Folge) 

Englisch Let’s be honest—The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is definitely starting to lose steam. For me, this was a painful episode, mostly because musicals (with a few exceptions) are just not my thing, much like anything in verse (looking at you, Shakespeare). Even when they weren’t breaking into song, the plot didn’t do much, and I definitely didn’t expect a huge drama involving a leprechaun (yes, the pot-of-gold kind). Thankfully, Rose came through to save the day again. / Lesson learned: If you loved the first four seasons, do yourself a favor and bow out before it goes downhill like I didn’t.


The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - Typos and Torsos (2023) (Folge) 

Englisch Fifth season gives me a tired impression. True, I also watched the third episode, but I didn't really enjoy it. In the three episodes of the fifth season that I have seen so far, I have not come across the previous charm and lightness, and that bothers me a lot. I don't know if the creators ran out of ideas, or if the series simply stopped being fun for them, but if it continues like this, it will unnecessarily spoil my overall rating of the whole series, which would be a shame because I have grown very fond of it. / Lesson: If you sit on the ice for a long time, you can go home on a wolf.


Death Note (2006) 

Englisch After this movie, I have mixed feelings. On one hand, I was very satisfied with the execution, but on the other hand, there were so many small disappointments that it almost didn't work out for the fourth piece. Right from the start, I must admit that I have never seen the comic book or anime series, so I have nothing to compare it to. The idea was excellent for me, I really enjoyed the theme, it was properly Japanese, exactly what I would expect from the sons and daughters of Nippon. And that was, in my opinion, the strength of the film, but also its biggest weakness. If something really killed me, it was the constant explanation of what was just seen, even though this explanation was sometimes really necessary. Still, it always bothered me. But oh well, the story itself was well built and successfully concluded (including the open ending, which called for a sequel), I enjoyed even the giant Pokémon, so I am favorably disposed towards the next installment. / Lesson: Can a viewer get diabetes through the screen or canvas? I'm afraid they can.

Neueste Bewertungen (11 341)

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - Susan (2023) (Folge) (S05E04)


The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - Typos and Torsos (2023) (Folge) (S05E03)


Death Note (2006)


The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - It’s a Man, Man, Man, Man World (2023) (Folge) (S05E02)


The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - Go Forward (2023) (Folge) (S05E01)


Kinds of Kindness (2024)


The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - Season 4 (2022) (Staffel) (S04)


The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall? (2022) (Folge) (S04E08)


The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - Ethan... Esther... Chaim (2022) (Folge) (S04E07)



Letztes Tagebuch (14)

Dobročinnost? Já?

FeriusParfax ve mně svým včerejším příspěvkem v Deníčku probudila něco, z čeho se později vyvinula strašlivá nasranost, a já jsem tak včera poprvé v životě přispěl na dobrou věc. Je pro mě asi typické, že jsem tak neučinil z čisté dobročinnosti ale ze vzteku a z mocné frustrace, kterou ve mně opakovaně vyvolává náš justiční systém. A protože se mě ten vztek pořád ještě drží jako pověstný exkrement košile, nechávám tady odkaz pro ty, kteří to cítí podobně a mohou obětovat alespoň stokorunu.