
In L.A. regiert der Mafia-Clan der Grimaldis, der durch einen geheimen Deal mit der Regierung verbunden ist. Der platzt allerdings und die Familie verliert ihre Macht. Sohn Quinn wandert ins Gefängnis. Als er nach drei Jahren aus dem Knast kommt, holt er sich Hilfe von seinem treuen Freund Axel, mit dem er einen Rachefeldzug startet. (TELE 5)


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Englisch Quite an interesting cast - Dolph Lundgren, Billy Zane, and Vinnie Jones. This doesn't sound bad. These three will get into a tough game. Especially Zane's character is in trouble because someone tripped him up. What will he do about it? Well, besides splashing some digital blood - oh well - he must take care of his family, of course. Because family comes first. And when he can't take care of them anymore, he can at least seek revenge for them. A bit cliché, actually a bit more, but Lundgren's voiceover is pretty good. The story tries to be complicated, but it doesn't come across very well, rather the opposite. It's a shame about the CGI scenes. If it was done the old-fashioned way, the film would deserve an extra 10%. ()