Der Zodiac-Killer

alle Plakate


1969. Die brutalen Morde eines Serienkillers erschüttern eine ländliche Region im Süden der USA. Zunächst hat es der Täter auf Liebespaare beim nächtlichen Schäferstündchen abgesehen. Doch mit der Zeit werden die Opfer immer wahlloser ausgesucht. Der Polizei hinterlässt der Täter jeweils kryptische Nachrichten, was ihm bald den Spitznamen "Zodiac Killer" einbringt. Insbesondere der junge Sergeant Parish (Justin Chambers) kniet sich in die Ermittlungsarbeiten und verliert über der erbitterten Mördersuche fast seine Familie. (ZDFneo)


Kritiken (1)


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Englisch I had no idea that there were two films on the same subject with almost identical names, and for a long time, I considered this film to be the much more famous film Zodiac. Therefore, I was surprised that I didn't recognize Fincher's typical directorial style. The Zodiac is not a bad film, but what makes it visually appealing is the subject itself based on real events. The search for a legendary serial killer is naturally attractive to viewers and creates such potential that only a complete sham could destroy it. On the other hand, the script is very average and somewhat oddly structured. It works where it describes the criminal acts themselves but fails wherever it has to show something extra. The film features several characters whose potential is completely wasted and whose presence on the screen is actually unjustifiable. Some clues seem to point to the guilt of the main character, which, however, is practically excluded from the beginning of the film due to other scenes. I somehow missed out on what the film is trying to convey and where it is heading. My overall impression of 50% and a lackluster 3 stars is, in my opinion, a fair reward for this contribution to the crime film genre. ()