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Kritiken (3 495)


Larry Crowne (2011) 

Englisch I didn’t want to sleep at night, so I played Tom Hanks’ directorial debut. And I have to say that I didn’t enjoy this drama at all. I’ve become accustomed to watching Tom in epic movies or at least movies where he has a chance to play quite unorthodox roles. But when he plays an ordinary person, in an ordinary world with ordinary people, somehow it’s just not right. Nevertheless, I have to admit that he was quite charismatic in this movie, even though the whole thing was boring.


Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball (2010) 

Englisch A total craziness that is one level zanier and stupider than the first instalment. I don’t know why I even watched this. I guess that I thought that the best thing to do after coming back from a pub would be to watch a movie that would make me laugh like an idiot. But the thing is that I didn’t even laugh.


Hasta la Vista (2011) 

Englisch In most cases, I am satisfied with Belgian movies, and this film is no exception. Hasta la vista! is a very well executed drama, which is also a comedy and a road movie about three friends for whom their trip presents an important step in their lives. I really liked that the film itself doesn’t make a fool of anyone. You get to see three incredibly likeable characters, for whom you’ll root with all you’ve got. Even a seemingly unpleasant driver will eventually turn out to be a really nice character. I have to say that a lot of positive emotions came out of the film, and even though you know how it will end, the film is still very beautiful to watch.


Duo Infernale - Zwei Profis ohne Plan (2011) 

Englisch After finishing the movie, I hesitated between two and three stars. Then I realized that I didn’t have a problem with watching it till the end and I found it rather nice and pleasant. It had the typical French vibes, but it lacked more humor. I even think that the premise was like in a typical Francis Veber film, but the issue lied with the rendition. Dubosc and Berry weren’t bad, but they’re a far cry from Richard and Depardieu. That’s it about the cons; I actually didn’t mind watching this film at all.


Die letzten Tage der Emma Blank (2009) 

Englisch It’s horrible what money can do to a person. This is the second film from this director I watched and I understood that he likes to make films about qualities that no sane and sensible person can stand in people. That’s also why I had a problem with the film, because it went to extremes in some respects. And this goes for its first half as well as the second. It definitely made one ponder, but it was really extremely demanding and difficult for me to watch the film in peace. Absurd all the way through, but the message is still quite clear.


Human Centipede - Der menschliche Tausendfüßler (2009) booo!

Englisch This was completely idiotic. At some points I even felt like throwing up. The premise was simply amazing: a doctor decided to create a human centipede so he connected people through their mouths and asses. Were I the first in the centipede, the person behind me would have their mouth full of shit all the time.


Killing Bono (2011) 

Englisch I originally thought that this film would be mainly about U2. It’s mainly about U2 in the beginning and then the friendship of the guys from Dublin falls apart and the film goes at its own pace, following another band that has it pretty rough. The Irish seems to have a sense of humor, because if this film is really exactly according to the truth and the biography of the creators of the band, then I think that even if I got run over by the same car four times, I would still be luckier than them. In addition, I enjoyed the excellent acting performances of Ben Barnes and Robert Sheehan. And the best part was that they played and sang all the music numbers themselves. They have my respect. All in all, I have to say that it’s not enough for five stars, but it’s still a really decent story from the 1970s in Dublin, which doesn’t get boring for a single minute.


Pagafantas (2009) 

Englisch A nice Spanish comedy with losers of the heaviest caliber. Spanish humor really speaks to me, by the way. This isn’t exactly the typical Torrente-like humor, but it’s true that some scenes are really cool. Overall, I was surprised by the animal humor with which they present themselves. The cobra style at the beginning of the film, for example, brutally knocked me down. Really relatable. Add in a panda hug and a number of other animal parallels that made my head spin. Apart from the animal humor, however, there was also woman humor, which I didn’t find as funny, because it proved that a boy in love with a girl is capable of doing anything, and it doesn’t always end well.


Die Tiefe (1977) 

Englisch The underwater shots are great, adding on some proper suspense. Add in an Indiana Jones-like story and you get The Deep. It’s more of an adventurous and mysterious movie than a horror, but most of all it is a really well-made film that I enjoyed from start to finish. Not only because of its story, but also because of Jacqueline Bisset or the nice acting performances by Nick Nolte or Robert Shaw.


Ted (2012) 

Englisch I was looking forward to having some proper laughs. In reality, however, it wasn’t so great. I don’t know whether it was the movie that didn’t sit well with me, or its humor. I just watched the movie and the fact that everything except for Mila Kunis was unlikeable made me wonder when this comedy would end. It’s not completely bad, I did have a few laughs. But I guess I thought it would be more than just a few.