Neue Kritiken - Progressive Nutzer*innen

Kakkó no iinazuke - Season 1

JeoffreyKakkó no iinazuke - Season 1(2022) 

Deutsch Dafür, dass die Prämisse der gesamten Serie über vertauschte Kinder wie aus einer unterdurchschnittlichen mexikanischen Telenovela wirkt, war ich ziemlich überrascht, wie intim und ab und an langweilige Romanze A Couple of Cuckoos ist. Der Humor hier schlitter scharf entlang der Grenze zur gewöhnlichen Dummheit, viele pseudo-dramatische Momente werden durch dumme Missverständnisse oder gewöhnliche Genreklischees aufgebaut. Ich konnte nicht einmal eine der drei Mädels in der Geschichte finden, die ich wirklich stark bejubeln konnte, und Umino selbst ist für mich ziemlich uninteressant, fade und unspektakulär. Seine Beziehung zu seiner Stiefschwester war schließlich am schlimmsten für mich. Die Serie versucht, sie als eine mögliche Lösung für das gesamte romantische Durcheinander darzustellen, aber ich glaube einfach nicht daran, und Sachi scheint mir eher wie ein nerviges Anhängsel als eine romantische Möglichkeit. Bei den anderen beiden Mädels sieht es schon etwas besser aus, man kann zumindest ein bisschen Chemie spüren, und ich verstehe, worauf die Autoren hier hinaus wollen, aber ich kann nicht sagen, dass es mich besonders begeistert oder dass ich es wirklich genossen hätte. Animationstechnisch gelungen und die Musik ist hörbar und versucht zumindest einen gewissen Eindruck zu erzeugen. Es gibt auch ein paar stärkere Momente, die jedoch nicht so bedeutsam sind, dass sie mich erschüttern oder großes Interesse wecken würden. Also insgesamt war das für mich ein typischer Durchlauf-Anime, den ich zwar bis zum Ende geschaut habe, aber nicht viel davon mitgenommen habe. In ein paar Tagen werde ich wahrscheinlich schon vergessen haben, dass ich ihn gesehen habe, und ob ich mir eine mögliche Fortsetzung anschauen würde, müsste ich länger darüber nachdenken. 4,5/10

Kakkó no iinazuke - Season 1

JeoffreyKakkó no iinazuke - Season 1(2022) 

Englisch Considering that the premise about accidentally switched babies feels like something out of a sub-par Mexican soap opera, I was quite surprised at what an intimate and sometimes boring romance A Couple of Cuckoos is. Some of the humor borders on stupidity and many of the would-be dramatic moments are based on silly misunderstandings or common genre clichés. I couldn’t really bring myself to root for any of the three girls, and I found Umino quite uninteresting, and sort of wishy-washy. What I liked the least was his relationship with his step-sister, which the show tried to push a bit too hard as a possible solution to the whole romantic polygon. I just don't buy it, and Sachi seems more like an annoying appendage than a romantic prospect. It's a bit better with the other two girls, there’s at least a little chemistry there and I understand what the writers were aiming for, but I can't say I find it particularly entertaining or enjoyable. It’s great in terms of animation and the music is audible and tries to create a certain vibe. There are a couple of stronger moments, but not powerful enough to excite me or arouse my interest. It’s just a run-of-the-mill anime that I watched until the end, but it didn’t leave a mark on me. I might even forget it in a few days. I'd have to really think about whether I want to watch another season. 4.5/10

Aaliyah: The Princess of R&B

NinadeLAaliyah: The Princess of R&B(2014) 

Deutsch Eine durchschnittliche TV-Biografie über das kurze Leben von Aaliyah. Es ist nicht schlecht, aber worüber will man erzählen, wenn dieser kleine R&B-Star nicht einmal dreiundzwanzig Jahre alt wurde? Ihr Leben war ein kurzes Märchen und es wird mit Demut gegenüber dem jungen Leben dargestellt. Sie hätte ein neuer, lange aktiver Star wie Cher oder Madonna sein können. Sie hatte noch viel vor sich, hat aber fast nichts geschafft. Sie hat nicht einmal die Arbeit an der Fortsetzung von Matrix Reloaded vollendet...

B-Movie: Lust & Sound in West-Berlin 1979-1989

NinadeLB-Movie: Lust & Sound in West-Berlin 1979-1989(2015) 

Deutsch Eine formal verspielte Liebeserklärung an das Phänomen West-Berlin, ganz im Sinne der Intentionen, in denen die Stadt Christiane F. berühmt gemacht hat. Es war eine originelle, in sich geschlossene Welt, unnachahmlich und naiv zugleich. Auf der einen Seite die Frustration von der Realität, auf der anderen Seite der klassische Trotz der Jugend gegen alles und jeden, was am Ende zur Love Parade wurde.

Kleo - Season 1

NecrotongueKleo - Season 1(2022) 

Englisch I had hoped the Germans would deliver something in the vein of The Americans, but sadly, that wasn't the case. Instead, the creators opted for dubious humor, sacrificing any sense of seriousness or tension. What we got was a bizarre spectacle with "hilarious" German humor. / Lesson learned: There's nothing like a thoroughly brainwashed mind. 3*-

Mi hun zhi mi shi tao tuo

EvilPhoEniXMi hun zhi mi shi tao tuo(2013) 

Englisch The Chinese version of Saw without blood. That sounds very nasty! Fortunately, it turned out to be a very enjoyable and atmospheric piece. The film kicks off from the first minute and we hear the "puzzle man's" voice right away. The two leads are great, the charismatic main character and the very pretty and busty heroine are forced to fight to the death in rooms where they have to perform tasks. There’s no gore to speak of, but this film earns its attributes elsewhere. Some of the scenes were so suspenseful that I held my cell phone in my hand, thinking I'd call an ambulance. The intelligence of the film can't be denied either, and the main twist is very original. 65%.

Into the Dark

EvilPhoEniXInto the Dark(2012) 

Englisch Not interesting at all. Not only did nothing happen in the first hour, but what came after that didn't impress me at all. I didn't care about any of the characters anymore, so much so that even if Jason had showed up with a machete, I would have had a hard time keeping my attention. More of a romantic drama. 45%



Englisch Average of all averages. This film fails to impress in every aspect, we see here everything we have seen in other films and with a better execution. The only thing worth mentioning is the female lead, AnnaLynne McCord, whom we know from Excision. The torture is bland and weak, the only nice thing are the pretty half-naked girls. 50%

American Werewolf

EvilPhoEniXAmerican Werewolf(1981) 

Englisch The gorgeous transformation of the werewolf makes this horror film a classic. But today, it's no longer surprising. The body count is small, it's more of a non-boring conversational drama. 55%

Only Lovers Left Alive

EvilPhoEniXOnly Lovers Left Alive(2013) 

Englisch A very stylish and darkly atmospheric drama! Tom Hiddleston and Tilda Swinton make a very eccentric and exotic duo. Their appearance and behavior was portrayed perfectly. It doesn't have much in common with horror, but surprisingly I wasn't bored for a second, so a decent three stars. Action 0/10, Suspense 2/10, Gore 3/10, Story 8/10, Atmosphere 7/10.

Red, White & Blue

EvilPhoEniXRed, White & Blue(2010) 

Englisch This is a very heavy, psychological slow burn that turns into a compelling and gritty revenge flick towards the end. I was worried I was going to die of boredom during the film, thankfully I didn't, on the contrary I was pretty fucked up. Erotic, very sleazy, the whole film is accompanied by a sad and depressing atmosphere full of sex and filth...

U-Turn - Kein Weg zurück

EvilPhoEniXU-Turn - Kein Weg zurück(1997) 

Englisch Very dark, dead, blackly humorous, bleak and strongly atmospheric!! Great acting, a well thought out and polished story with plenty of twists and turns, this is awesome in every way and I can't find anything to fault with the film. If I went through what Sean Penn experienced in this film, I would hang myself the next day without a second thought. For me, one of the best movies ever!! 100%.

The Counselor

EvilPhoEniXThe Counselor(2013) 

Englisch The Counselor is a delightfully funny, sexy, meditative, gory, and intelligent film, and for me, one of the most modern of the 21st century. The style, elegance and extravagance of the film shines through. It is also worth mentioning the very solid cast, which features all of my favourite actors. Spoiler: the scene where Cameron Diaz fucks Javier Bardem's car and Brad Pitt's disarming here definitely the biggest highlights of the film! Action 4/10, Suspense 5/10, Gore 7/10, Story 7/10, Atmosphere 6/10.

In Fear

EvilPhoEniXIn Fear(2013) 

Englisch For me a very unsatisfying horror film that only works with one horror element and that is atmosphere, all other elements are missing. There is no gore, no scares, not much suspense, I would have appreciated at least some significant twist. This movie is like a boiled broth with noodles but no vegetables, plus it cheerfully rips off my favorite hitchhiker film, just no... I didn't like it and I was bored. On a similar theme, Hush and The Hitcher are much better.



Englisch A good old-fashioned crime story from the North. I don't seek out the crime genre, but once every six months it doesn't hurt to watch something that entertains, surprises and intrigues from this genre. The highlight of the film for me is the scene with the slow motion shot of the falling car, which was literally breathtaking... Decent direction, actors and plot. For fans of the crime genre I recommend it. 65%.

I, Frankenstein

EvilPhoEniXI, Frankenstein(2014) 

Englisch I love action romps, I'm a big fan of them, especially Underworld: Awakening, I managed to reach five orgasms there, but when I say this is a really bad movie, I'm still flattering it. Mediocre visual effects, uninteresting action, a story written by a 12 year old kid. This is a disgrace to all action movies!! Stuart Beattie owes me 92 minutes of my life. A waste of time I wouldn't recommend even to my worst enemy.

Some Guy Who Kills People

EvilPhoEniXSome Guy Who Kills People(2011) 

Englisch The IMDB rating of 6.4 from 3500 people is very striking. I could give this film a better title: Some Guy Who Bores People. A terribly annoying and unlikeable TV movie, with two murders out of frame and overall lacking just about everything a horror movie should. 2* for the sheriff, who occasionally sweats out a decent bite, but otherwise a waste of time.

Assassins - Die Killer

EvilPhoEniXAssassins - Die Killer(1995) 

Englisch A great old school action ride with great rivals!! The pace is dynamic, the film moves forward quickly, there is always something happening and I enjoy that, that's exactly what I expect from such films. Antonio Banderas gives a great, psychopathic performance with a cold heart, and Sylvester Stallone is excellent as an assassin with heart and soul. I wasn't bored for a moment. 75%.

The Tower

EvilPhoEniXThe Tower(2008) 

Englisch There could not be a more accurate definition of the word "Shit". This is a very bad movie, in every way. The cheapness and amateurish look is staring at us from the first minute, and someone like me, who revels in aesthetics, visuals, and looks in general, not just movies, is simply disgusted by this film. I admit that some of the make-up effects were good, but they were minimal. Those expecting carnage will be disappointed, this is more mystery fantasy with a biblical feel that drags like a gargoyle on a wall. For me, unsatisfying and boring. I wouldn't give a euro for this film.



Englisch What did I watch? An insanely boring slow-burn that has nothing to offer and certainly nothing to surprise the viewer. The film features no gore, lacks suspense and atmosphere, so I don't see any reason to rate it higher than 1 star. Terrible!
