
The Cokeville Miracle, the true story of a town facing a terrible tragedy, and the Sheriff's investigator who struggles with his faith as he gathers evidence that defies easy explanation. ... Cokeville Wyoming, a town of just over 500 people that sits near the Utah-Idaho border, is not known for much beyond it's strong family values, but in 1986 Cokeville made national headlines when a madman and his wife entered the elementary school with guns and bomb. They gathered over 100 children and teachers into a small room, and made a demand: $200 million dollars for the lives of the children—but then the bomb went off... The Cokeville Miracle is not just the story of a hostage crisis, or a terror attack on American soil. It is not just the story of a bomb that could have destroyed an entire generation, and ripped a town apart. The Cokeville Miracle is about what happened instead. How did a bomb that should have leveled the room take only two lives that day, the madman and his wife? Each child, each adult who made it out of that room has a story to tell. Follow the Sheriff's investigator Ron Hartley as he pieces together the evidence, including stories of prayer and divine intervention from multiple witnesses. Gather the evidence and decide for yourself. Do you see coincidence, or do you see miracles? (Verleiher-Text)


Kritiken (1)


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Englisch I'm sorry, but as an atheist and someone who despises fanaticism, I can't accept a film that so heavily promotes faith as if it were the sole thing that can save humanity. There are so many hints suggesting that the whole miracle could be explained simply as luck and coincidence, but no, we'll believe that collective prayer intervened and angels flew over the children, ensuring they survived. This is faith marketing, and I really don't want to see that. Otherwise, the film itself wouldn't be that bad... Unfortunate. ()

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