Fauda - Season 3 (2019) (Staffel)
2019, 50 min
Rotem ShamirKamera:
Moshe MishaliMusik:
Gilad BenamramBesetzung:
Lior Raz, Neta Garty, Rona-Lee Shim'on, Itzik Cohen, Boaz Konforty, Doron Ben-David, Ala Dakka, Yaakov Zada Daniel, Idan Amedi, Khalifa Natour, Jameel Khoury, Meirav Shirom, Qader Harini (mehr)Streaming (1)
Doron unternimmt eine riskante monatelange Mission. Doch eine düstere Wende folgt, als überraschende Geheiminfos einen baldigen Angriff vermuten lassen. (Netflix)
Kritiken (1)
The third season of Fauda kicked off smoothly, with the creators effortlessly capturing everything that defines the essence of the series. From Doron's covert operations and tracking of terrorists to gripping interrogations and a dose of terrorism, it was all there. It was an excellent episode. ()