
Ein gefälschter 500-Franc-Schein macht die Runde und wird von Person zu Person und von Geschäft zu Geschäft weitergereicht. Als er bei einem unschuldigen Heizöllieferanten landet, nimmt eine Entwicklung ihren Lauf, die unaufhaltsam auf eine totale Katastrophe zusteuert. Der junge Mann landet zunächst im Gefängnis und rächt sich später auf extreme Weise an der Gesellschaft. (Verleiher-Text)


Kritiken (2)


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Englisch Everything that exists must have a cause, and because the chain of causes cannot be infinite, there must exist a first cause. Some have used this well-known "proof" to demonstrate the existence of God. But what if instead of the traditional God, another deity sneaks in? Catholic Robert Bresson perfectly reveals what lies at the end of the chain of causes... His traditionally minimalist form suits this film precisely - that cold, slow, relentless, and hopeless submission to that deity that moves the world. And when a person does not submit to it, they can no longer demand anything from the world. Wouldn't everyone then become a murderer? ()


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Englisch Interesting form of this film, which seems to be without emotions, I like on one hand, but then there is the fact that the film simply didn't entertain me. There are interesting details that I appreciate and that entertain me, but then there is the whole, which simply didn't resonate with me and I was bored with it. I can't consider the film as exceptional in any way. ()


Galerie (22)