Vier für ein Ave Maria

  • Österreich Vier für ein Ave Maria (mehr)

Streaming (2)


Nach 15 Jahren Haft kommt Ganove Cacopoulos endlich frei. Er war an einem Raubüberfall beteiligt und wurde von seinen Komplizen verpfiffen. Kaum frei, lässt sich Caco von einem Ex-Kumpan zu einem neuen Coup überreden und landet erneut im Gefängnis. Doch Mr. Harold will ihm die Freiheit schenken, wenn er ihm eine riesige Summe Dollar, die aus einem Raubüberfall stammt, wiederbeschaffen kann. Caco stellt bald fest, dass hinter dem vielen Geld auch noch andere Gauner her sind. (kabel eins)


Kritiken (3)


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Englisch A pleasant Western of an Italian duo, joined by Eli Wallach and Brock Peters, creating a quartet determined to avenge Eli, who experienced injustices. The Western theme is well-executed and fortunately, the comedic elements are rather subdued, with Terence Hill perfectly fitting the role of a classic tough guy. ()


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Englisch A western from a more serious barrel, where everything doesn't revolve only around crazy brawls (nothing against them), but, on the contrary, the director works decently with the story itself and the fighting potential of the Hill-Spencer duo is used only in a precisely measured degree. Together with the great Wallach, they form a group that pulls the film without unnecessary talk, but with a sharply loaded gun and an uncontrollable desire for money. And that is exactly what made westerns westerns... ()



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Englisch Ace High is a film I always enjoy watching. It’s second of the duo Terence Hill and Bud Spencer, where they are still not throwing punches like on a treadmill. Sure, there are the requisite fights, but to a lesser extent than usual in films with this pair, especially at the beginning and then in the "final showdown". Rather, it's quite an interesting story, with Eli Wallach, again as an irresistible villain, hot on the heels of the central duo. The story has some interesting twists and turns and the final casino scene is hilariously put togeter. This film will not offend even those who don’t like these two brawlers. ()

Galerie (39)