
Loosely based on the work of Irish writer Ronan Bennett, the story follows five criminals, who, after a failed heist, set out to uncover their betrayer. Ray, a onetime political activist, now a hard-nosed gangster, is closest to Dave, an East End grifter, with whom he sets up the $3 million robbery of a West London security firm. Simple-minded Stevie, with Jason, the nephew of aging gangster Sonny, and crazed psychopath Julian make up the rest of the crew. After the raid, the haul is only $500,000 and Dave arrives back at Ray's place bleeding after being mugged for his share. Ray and Stevie's cuts are also missing and it is clear that there is a traitor in the group. (Verleiher-Text)


Kritiken (1)


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Englisch A pleasant crime movie that succeeds mainly due to the actors (we even see Damon Albarn in a small role) and an impressive finish. Carlyle excellent as usual. ()

Galerie (8)