
Der junge Brad, mit Geld und musikalischem Talent gleichermaßen gesegnet, verliebt sich in die hübsche Polly, die mit ihren Freundinnen Carol und Trixie mitten in der Wirtschaftskrise ihre Hoffnungen in eine neue Broadway-Show setzt. Diese wird tatsächlich ein großer Erfolg, nur will Brads snobistischer Bruder unbedingt verhindern, dass Brad und Polly heiraten, landet dabei aber selber in den Armen eines Showgirls. (Verleiher-Text)


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Englisch Classical beautiful musical from the 1930s, which has some problems with the story, but all of this is redeemed by magnificent dance, music, and singing sequences. The final performance is absolutely incredible, with some elements being astonishingly beautiful. It is evident that the creators were aware that they were shooting a black and white film and knew how to use the amazing contrast between black and white. It's a pity that there are not more of these numbers and that it was necessary to add some romance and other unnecessary elements. ()

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