Percy Jackson – Diebe im Olymp

  • Österreich Percy Jackson – Diebe im Olymp (mehr)
Kanada / USA, 2010, 114 min


Rick Riordan (Buch)


Craig Titley


Logan Lerman, Alexandra Daddario, Brandon T. Jackson, Pierce Brosnan, Jake Abel, Uma Thurman, Sean Bean, Rosario Dawson, Catherine Keener, Steve Coogan (mehr)
(weitere Professionen)


Eigentlich hätte es ein ganz normaler Schulausflug im Leben von Percy Jackson (Logan Lerman) werden sollen. Aber als sich seine Mathelehrerin in eine rasende Rachegöttin verwandelt und über ihn herfällt, ahnt er, dass hier irgendwas nicht stimmt und ihm große Gefahr droht. In letzter Sekunde kann er sich in das Halbgott-Camp retten und lernt plötzlich eine ganz neue Welt kennen. Percy erfährt, dass er einer von ihnen ist - ein Halbgott - und besondere Fähigkeiten besitzt. Und die hat Percy schon bald dringend nötig. Denn er wird beschuldigt, den Herrscherblitz von Zeus (Sean Bean) gestohlen zu haben. Gemeinsam mit seinen Freunden Grover, einem Satyr, und Annabeth (Alexandra Daddario), einer Tochter der Athene, begibt er sich auf die abenteuerliche Suche nach dem Herrscherblitz und dem eigentlichen Dieb. (Fox Deutschland)


Kritiken (5)


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Englisch Or how “Murder on the Orient Express” might have turned out if Agatha Christie had been a bit more into horror and had a soft spot for the Trans-Siberian Railway. ()


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Englisch Olympus, Medusa, benevolent Hades, chosen hero, and breathtaking underworld? In other words, did I even have a chance to be dissatisfied? Considering my love for fantasy, Greek mythology, or fairy tales, probably not. And I don't mind at all that demigods randomly gather in forests, that each clear pearl unexpectedly holds a different mythological trap, or that the villains could have easily played it smarter. Because Columbus still has that something in his hand, which turns me into a little excited child. ()


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Englisch A fairly silly kids’ movie that takes Greek mythology and does, well... let’s say, strange things. BUT! Despite dumb dialogs and unimpressive effects, something is always happening and the action is really good. To help things, Logan Lerman is a pretty nice kid (I can imagine him as a new “young" Spidey) and Columbus delivers his standard direction. The kids in the auditorium laughed and so did I, but don’t look for a new Potter in Percy, you’d only be disappointed. ()


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Englisch A playful, mainstream teenage flick that American kids will love, their parents will happily welcome as a new family flick from the director of Home Alone, European kids will sort themselves into film patriots and machine consumers, and we, the experienced and omniscient users of FilmBooster, will find the right position from which to optimally view this visual and content stew... I think I found it, but it wasn't worth the hassle... 60% ()


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Englisch No one will tell me that Americans, and by extension Canadians, can film Greek myths. They can't and shouldn't get involved in it. I don't know the original, but I assume it only takes what suits it and turns myths into a farce that has nothing to say. The moral side, the meaning of the story, was also an important part of myths, but that has vanished in favor of Hollywood spectacle. Sad. Just a happy ending and move on. The trailer for the second part (mentioned below) suggests that the sequel might actually be at least that spectacle, but we'll see. Let's be surprised. More: ()

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