Shake Hands with the Devil

  • Kanada Shake Hands with the Devil


Verfilmung des Buchs “Shake Hands With The Devil”, auf deutsch erschienen unter dem Titel “Handschlag mit dem Teufel. Die Mitschuld der Weltgemeinschaft am Völkermord in Ruanda”. Es handelt sich hierbei um die biografischen Aufzeichnungen des Autors Roméo Dallaire rund um den Völkermord in Ruanda im Jahr 1994. (Verleiher-Text)

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Englisch A film fan must always be prepared for the fact that they can get a lot of value for money, no matter if it is horror, an adventure fantasy or an autobiographical drama with a social subtext. Shake Hands with the Devil is a record-breaker among its peers, a riveting though virtually unknown and unsung reconstruction of a fatal human failure that paradoxically is even more authentic and emotionally colourful than Hollywood's Hotel Rwanda. All the horrors are presented from the point of view of the character of General Dallaire himself, who soon wins all sympathy with his attitude, so that unless you have a heart of stone, you will suffer and overcome your grief along with him. There is a need for films like this, which show the twisted face of the human race without pathos or exaggeration. They are needed for education, for understanding, and, of course, for film fans who appreciate strong, emotion-packed stories. 90% ()

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