Will GluckKamera:
Danny RuhlmannBesetzung:
Sydney Sweeney, Glen Powell, Alexandra Shipp, Hadley Robinson, Dermot Mulroney, Rachel Griffiths, Michelle Hurd, Bryan Brown, Darren Barnet (mehr)Streaming (4)
In der Komödie Wo die Lüge hinfällt wirken Bea (Sydney Sweeney) und Ben (Glen Powell) wie das perfekte Paar. Aber nach einem tollen ersten Date geschieht etwas, das ihre glühend heiße Anziehungskraft zu Eis erstarren lässt. Doch dann treffen sie unerwartet wieder aufeinander, als beide an einer Hochzeit in Australien teilnehmen. Also tun sie, was jeder reife Erwachsene tun würde – sie geben vor, ein Paar zu sein. (Sony Pictures DE)
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Eine Ansammlung von amerikanischer Peinlichkeit, Albernheit und Klischees, die gelegentlich durch einen gelungenen Witz oder Spruch aufgelockert wird. Ich wiederhole mehrmals, dass derjenige, der in Euphoria aufgetreten ist, einen Haufen von Rollen hat. Mit Sydney Sweeney geht es steil bergauf. Über Top Gun: Maverick können wir dasselbe sagen wie über Euphoria. Glen Powell werden wir also bestimmt in ein paar weiteren Filmen sehen. Aber dieser Film wird definitiv nicht in der Filmografie der beiden glänzen. ()
It makes sense when a romantic comedy of a more or less typical cut lands in cinemas and makes a heap of money, that it is the work of Will Gluck, who broke the bank in a similar way twelve years ago with Friends with Benefits. And because I like all his genre pieces, I was also rooting for Anyone But You, but really failed to step into the same river in terms of quality. Everything looks familiar, the main duo is constantly bickering, there's the reminder of a forgotten musical hit, and the family melodramatically gets involved in the action, but none of those recollections is a good one. From the initial misunderstanding onward, pretty much none of the decisions made by Ben or Bey make any sense, it's not just the family of the main duo who end up getting unnecessarily stuck in heated and surprisingly unfunny situations out of their own incompetence but also the main duo themselves, I can't remember a single good line, most of the twists and gestures are forced... simply put, a total loss. I would rather have had another solid and honest modern adaptation of "Much Ado About Nothing" than this forgettable half-heartedness, which is nothing more than a waste of Glen Powell's time and abilities. ()
Anyone But You could easily be confused with any American romantic comedy, of which there is a plethora in the cinema every year. It's predictable cliché, with some outrageous overacting (the characters of the parents, for example), yet I quite enjoyed this (with its now almost mandatory LGBTQ, multicultural cast) in the cinema, partly due to the humorously parodic winking at Titanic or the sped-up version of Chris Hemsworth from Wish. ()
Romcoms are back! Take two extremely likable and young Hollywood rising stars with great chemistry, stuff it with humour, make it not just an emotional romantic blackmail and this recipe can't go wrong, and judging by the decent box office returns it worked. Never mind that in terms of plot it is nothing write home about, but it has a very feel good vibe, I love Sydney Sweeney (that cleavage of hers oh my God!) and Glen Powell is a likeable guy here too. The humour works, the emotions worked for me at the end and it's definitely a film I'll be happy to watch with the ladies. Enjoyable stuff. 8/10. ()
This was so terribly sweet and awesome that I actually can't remember when I've seen a funnier and cuter romantic comedy. Sydney Sweeney is great time again, and just about every supporting character around her was given ample space, each one fulfilling their role in the film exactly as they should (we have the main duo, the funny family trying to get it together, the central jerk, the best friend being high all the time... well, just the classic bunch that the audience expects and wants in this type of comedy). The idea is fun, the characters are delightful, and this balanced ratio of slapstick and humor is exactly the perfect recipe for perfectly light-hearted fun that will entertain just about everyone. A perfect thing that both lifted my spirits and made me laugh, and I have to say that I'll be happy to watch this again after a while. The chemistry between the two leads is perfect and other genre films should learn from this one, because this pulls the film right up to a full five stars. A joy. ()