
Trailer 2


Nur widerwillig verlässt die 17-jährige Gretchen ihre amerikanische Heimat, um bei ihrem Vater zu leben, der gerade mit seiner neuen Familie ein Resort in den deutschen Alpen bezieht. Angekommen in ihrem zukünftigen Zuhause werden sie von Herrn König, dem Chef ihres Vaters begrüßt, der ein unerklärliches Interesse an Gretchens stummer Halbschwester Alma hat. Überhaupt scheint etwas nicht zu stimmen in dem beschaulichen Urlaubsparadies. Gretchen wird von merkwürdigen Geräuschen und verstörenden Visionen geplagt, bis sie auf ein schockierendes Geheimnis stößt, das auch ihre eigene Familie betrifft. (Weltkino)


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Trailer 2

Kritiken (2)


alle Kritiken

Englisch It's a strange horror film, but its concept is quite novel. It's quite slow and I'd say the strongest aspect is the idea rather than the horror attractions, but the stalking granny has something to it and the music is good as well. Too bad the ending is resolved with gunfire and not something shaper. The acting is fine, the atmosphere is interesting, the craftsmanship is decent, the idea is novel. Cuckoo has its moments, it just never completely breaks free from its chains. 55% ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch A Bavarian faded phantasmagoria, as fascinating as it is deeply irritating. I can't yet decide which way it prevails with me. I was about to write that Cuckoo is the dictionary definition of a smug wank, but then I somehow connected to it on an intuitive level. Anyway, it's very much its own in atmosphere and originality, I appreciate that, and I can only imagine how cool the result would be if Tilman Singer wanted to make genre films that were a little easier to consume, which, given his experience with Luz and Cuckoo, he clearly doesn't want to do. ()


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