
Paris 1830 Ein unheimliches gesichtsloses Phantom treibt in den Armenvierteln von Paris sein Unwesen. "Der Alchemist" hat es auf junge, unschuldige Mädchen abgesehen. Sie verschwinden spurlos, ihre Körper tauchen nie wieder auf. Als auch zwei Herren der guten Gesellschaft auf bizarre Weise ums Leben kommen, nimmt Vidocq, ehemaliger Verbrecher, Wissenschaftler und größter Detektiv seiner Zeit, die Ermittlungen auf. Aber selbst er scheint der teuflischen Raffinesse des Monstrums nicht gewachsen zu sein... (Verleiher-Text)


Kritiken (2)


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Englisch French production of the last decade has had a persistent obsession with surpassing and outdoing the production of major American film studios, and from a technical perspective, it at least partially succeeds. The Phantom of Paris is a typical example of this. It is original, with dynamic camera work, wild editing, and interesting music. From a film perspective, it is an intriguing film, notable for its inventive special effects sequences, large detailed shots, and excellent performances. However, there is no getting around the fact that the screenplay is weak and illogical. Despite the film's atmosphere and colorful composition, due to the aforementioned screenplay, I cannot give it four stars. Overall impression: 65%. It is a typical example of a film where how it is shot is more important than what it is about. ()


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Englisch Well, it was terrible bullshit and the final "shocking" surprise was rather funny. But that is not the what that matters here, it’s the how. I was very much entertained by the gratuitous cinematography, and the distorted optics and various effects make Vidocq a bizarre spectacle that is not to be missed. But one time was enough. ()


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