Strange World

  • USA Strange World (mehr)
Trailer 11


Die Mitglieder der Clades, einer legendären Familie von Entdeckern, sind mittlerweile gar nicht mehr so abenteuerlustig, müssen sich aber für eine überlebenswichtige Forschungsmission zusammenraufen. Dabei führt sie ihr Weg in eine völlig neuartige, mysteriöse, aber fantastische Welt – eine Welt, wie sie noch nie jemand zuvor gesehen hat. Hier begegnen sie nicht nur fremden Lebensformen und allerlei abgefahrenen, witzigen Kreaturen, sondern natürlich auch vielen Gefahren und Herausforderungen. Wie es aber in den meisten Familien so ist, sind sie oft unterschiedlicher Meinung, wie diese zu meistern sind, was ihre Mission immer wieder gefährdet. Schaffen sie es dennoch ans Ziel? (Walt Disney Deutschland)


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Englisch The artwork of the characters was rather mediocre, but the "discovered" world depicted was beautifully imaginative. I also liked the message it brought, including the fact that there is no villain in the film. Which some review saw as a shortcoming. For me, on the other hand, this was a big plus, because even though there really is no villain, even good or normal people behave in ways that can be villainous. And not necessarily out of hatred or other intent, but perhaps out of ignorance or misdirected good intentions. Which is probably more likely in real life than meeting some interstellar hooded killer. ____ I also like the fact that the main character is young and gay and especially the fact that no one is bothered, no one considers it a problem, that’s just the way it is. The only thing we see is that he’s too shy to declare his love. Not shy about who he fell in love with. Which is very important. Because I've seen lots of movies about coming out, about coming to terms with homosexuality, about acceptance by family or friends. Okay, fine. But maybe it’s time to stop that and time to approach this topic like in this movie: it's not a problem, you don't have to come to terms with anything, it's normal and therefore you don't have to behave in any special way because of it. ______ The lesson of the story is expectable and quite obvious long before the end of the movie, but it doesn't matter because it's nice and true even in this "strange world." SUMMARY: The movie carries a simple message. People usually like simple messages. But not this. Because that would mean that they would have to start acting complicatedly. ()

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