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Kritiken (7 563)


Vodník - Epizoda 2 (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch While watching the second episode, I felt much better than during the previous one, although the immense effort towards great artistry, which I honestly don't understand, was not missing here either. I still believe that plebs (including myself) would rather appreciate a simple crime story, in which instead of artistic finesse, more emphasis would be put on a more believable form of investigation. In my opinion, the summary captured it concisely and accurately.


Vodník - Epizoda 1 (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch After the first episode, I have mixed feelings. Basically, I liked the episode, but I somehow feel that I wanted to like it more. Returning to old police cases generally entertains me, and this time was no different, except that the obvious effort for an artistic impression bothered me. If I were the creators, I would disregard that and focus on the story. But what do I know about filmmaking? I'm just a viewer, and even that only amateur.


Plötzlich Familie (2018) 

Englisch A huge disappointment. Although I'm used to Mark Wahlberg starring in rather poor films lately, this was something I didn’t expect in the least. I don’t think I have ever been under such a powerful attack of various clichés, with nowhere to hide because everything was subsequently flooded by a tsunami of pathos. The comedy was weak, but what the authors succeeded in was sappy melodrama, hence my rating.


Asterix und das Geheimnis des Zaubertranks (2018) 

Englisch The Mansion of the Gods had great new animation, which wasn't missing this time either. Unfortunately, the creators did not provide a quality story to go with it. In the previous story, I was laughing practically the whole time. Here, there was considerably less humor, and the plot seemed all-too-familiar. Still above average but definitely weaker.


Momente (2018) 

Englisch I watched the film mainly because of Jenovéfa Boková and I wasn’t disappointed. She was the driving force of the whole film, and I found Anežka really intriguing and relatable. Just like me, she belonged to the group of people who are hiding in their hard shell, letting only a few people in. Fortunately, Anežka had not yet mastered a natural-looking artificial smile, which made her all the more interesting. I really enjoyed this film.


Home Sweet Hell (2015) 

Englisch I'm giving one star because it was the first film I’ve seen which made perfect use of the totally plastic-looking facial expressions which Katherine Heigl has become notorious for. The other star is for the fact that the film got a bit more entertaining the moment Mona turned into Dexter. The story was dull until then, but this change paradoxically brought some life to this disaster.


Only Lovers Left Alive (2013) 

Englisch One thing that really annoys me about Jim Jarmusch's films is how the stories are dragging out. Jarmusch is able to add such a tremendous amount of tediousness into each of his films that I always spend at least a part of it being bored. Other than this, the premise seemed very interesting, the acting performances were quite decent, and I was also intrigued by its criticism of the current state of affairs. If it hadn’t been for the sluggish pace, I would have given four stars.


Jessabelle - Die Vorhersehung (2014) 

Englisch I'll start my review with the positives - Sarah Snook was cast in the lead role, and she is really nice to look at. That's as far as the positives go. There’s no way this can be called a horror film. The horror in it was represented by the obligatory jump scares that are already getting old. But the story didn't work very well even as a thriller, and I had a feeling that it somehow didn't hold together. This really didn't work out.


Assassination Nation (2018) 

Englisch I'm giving the film two stars for the momentary excitement that I felt thanks to a great portrayal of fake morality and exactly the kind of hypocrisy which makes America what it is. Apart from that, I didn’t find much else to appreciate. The script was painfully dumb for the most part, and even unpleasantly boring at times.


Verschwörung (2018) 

Englisch I haven't read David Lagercrantz's book, and I'm not going to. I'm annoyed by Americans constantly parasitizing on great works. I can get over it when it comes to film, but that’s as far as I go. I was curious to see how the creators would follow up on “Millennium,” but it turned out they didn't have the slightest problem with that. They went about it in the same way as an idiot taking a mental ability test - they shoved a square peg into a round hole. It didn’t quite fit, but the task was completed. Logic had to take a break sometimes, a few corners were cut, but I'm afraid I have seen much worse.