My Private Idaho - Das Ende der Unschuld

  • USA My Own Private Idaho (mehr)
Trailer 1


Mike und Scott verdingen sich als Straßenstricher in Portland. Während der liebenswürdige Mike in schwierigen Verhältnissen aufgewachsen ist und seine Eltern seit Jahren nicht gesehen hat, entstammt Scott einer der angesehensten Familien der Stadt und rebelliert gegen seinen Vater. Auf der Suche nach Mikes Mutter reisen die zwei nach Europa, wo die innige Freundschaft der beiden zerbricht. (TNT Film)


Kritiken (2)


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Englisch I was watching a series of movies with Keanu Reeves, wondering where else he could really knock me down. This one would do. I believe that Gus Van Sant created a harsh story of two boys who sell their bodies on the street. It was really a concert of two actors. However, River Phoenix is so sleazy it makes you sick. He nods off at the best moment, due to his character’s disease called narcolepsy. He simply falls into a coma out of sudden and sleeps. Keanu then talks to him. It almost feels as if during these moments he has the best conversations with his movie brother. He explains everything to him, puts him away somewhere in the bushes and picks him up the next day. In the better scenario the brother manages to get home on his own. Sure, that’s what brothers usually do. Gus Van Sant shoots rough stories, but it’s rarely my cup of tea. This one wasn’t. ()


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Englisch This movie captivated me with its dirty, yet aesthetically interesting approach. And of course, it is a showcase of two young actors, where one had the luck to continue their career while the other was cut short. Well, he did have a hand in it himself. However, River Phoenix delivers a brilliant performance here. ()