Bruce BeresfordKamera:
Donald McAlpineBesetzung:
Edward Woodward, Jack Thompson, Bryan Brown, Vincent Ball, Rod Mullinar, Frank Wilson, Chris Haywood, John Waters, Lewis Fitz-Gerald, Terence Donovan (mehr)Inhalte(1)
Während des Burenkriegens werden einige australische Soldaten, die für die Briten kämpfen, vor Gericht gestellt, weil sie Gefangene erschossen haben. Dies taten sie jedoch auf Geheiß höherer Offiziere, die jedoch die Australier nun als Sündenböcke benutzen wollen. Nicht gerechnet haben sie aber mit den Anwälten der Verteidigung, die die Situation haarklein auseinandernehmen und damit die Generäle in Gefahr bringen, enttarnt zu werden. (Verleiher-Text)
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The true story of a British officer who didn't take too kindly to the Boers during the Boer War, and murdered them wholesale. Although he was only following orders, he was sentenced to death as a scapegoat so that the British Empire would not lose face before the world. This film is a landmark in the history of Australian cinema as it was the first to have a major international impact. It became a kind of flagship for Australian and New Zealand filmmakers, and showed them that even in a small scale you can make a big film. Bereford would be followed by Peter Weir, Geoff Murphy and Peter Jackson. Who would have guessed 20 years ago that one day one of them would make Lord of the Rings :) ()
Galerie (18)
Photo © Roadshow Entertainment