Projekti Rockin´ High



The Finnish heavy metal band AncarA likes to come up with publicity stunts. When throwing a gig while sitting in a hole in the ice starts to feel dull, the band-leader Gary pronounces that the band will play at the Mount Everest base camp: it'll be the highest gig in the world. After this what can go wrong, will go wrong. Project Rockin' High is more than a music documentary. The central stage in given to hopeless money-raising as well as to unreliable managers, impulsive ideas and desperate yearning for visibility, all of which are slowing down the process. The documentary arouses feelings of genuine second-hand embarrassment and shows that pursuing one's dreams can be a heavy business.

The documentary depicts the dynamics between the band and its domineering guitarist. As the Project Everest takes shape, the band changes members like clothes. Even Gary's oldest friends cannot forgive him everything. The film is not afraid to question the reason behind the dream project. What comes first, helping the victims of Nepal earth quakes or getting the band's record to the top of the charts? Or maybe it's all just Gary's personal megalomania?
Translation: Katri Tenhola (Helsinki International Film Festival)
