
Copfos, a milliner working at Annie's, a downtown millinery, is the object of popular despise and mockery. On one day she becomes the inheritor of $650 000. The younger brother of the millinery's owner, whose debauchery has almost got the millinery into bankruptcy, immediately starts courting Klári and then proposes to her. The girl, suspicious that her money might play a major role in the young man's kindness, decides to have an English-language letter sent to herself, informing her that someone else has, in the meantime, turned out to be the real inheritor. She starts working in the millinery again as if nothing had happened, ordering the bank at the same time to buy the millinery, which expected to soon come under the hammer through Kubik, the millinery's porter, with whom she has been in love for a long time. Kubik buys the millinery, but decides to employ its former owners, taking Klári to her mother's and introducing her as his future wife. (Verleiher-Text)

