Aus dem Auge

Dokumentation / Kurzfilme
Deutschland / Österreich, 2013, 11 min


Valerie Fritsch


By a spray-painted window at the end of a seemingly endless, devastated hallway, begins a captivating, contemplative, minimalist metaphor for the lost time of glory of the Prora seaside resort – the longest and most bizarre compound of recreational buildings in the world. “Kraft durch Freude” – an affordable holiday for 20,000 German workers, filled with Nazi propaganda.
Enclosed by the hallway, you walk backwards through time, accompanied by your voice, a recapitulating narration, words dusting off a personal history. The endless emptiness of the space is intertwined with the silence in the spaces between words. Flaking plaster, broken windows. Is that the sound of waves outside?… (Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival)



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