
Für die New Yorker Autorin Imogene geht wirklich alles schief. Sie verliert nicht nur ihren Freund, sondern auch noch ihre Karriere. Nicht einmal ein Selbstmord will ihr gelingen. Im Krankenhaus taucht plötzlich Imogenes schrullige Mutter auf und verfrachtet sie zurück in ihren Heimatort, nach New Jersey. Dort erkennt Imogene, dass sie sich mit ihren verhassten Wurzeln anfreunden muss, bevor sie ein neues Kapitel aufschlagen kann. (sixx)


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Englisch Kristen Wiig creates a little box of women for herself, who are tired of life, get a proper kick, or are simply on the edge. They have problems. She tries to get out of them in a unique way by trying to piss everyone off, but in the end, everything will still be okay, even though everything goes wrong at first. It's funny only in some places, otherwise it's quite ordinary and a bit boring. However, it still manages to handle the average pretty well. ()


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Englisch American comedies of any quality are few and far between. This one isn't very funny, but it's still kind of funny. Too bad it doesn't have a better thought-out story. However, the style of humor suited me very well. And the cast wasn't bad either. Personally, I was pleasantly surprised by Kristen Wiig in the title role, who I hadn't seen anywhere else. I'll definitely remember her now, though. (60%) ()


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