
Partystimmung am Ufer des Mississippi: Viel junges, schönes Volk ist zum Gator-Fest zusammengekommen. Zur selben Zeit entkommt Schmugglern in den umliegenden Sümpfen ein gefährliches, riesiges Biest. Am Tag darauf findet man einen zerrissenen Leichnam. Sheriff Watson verdächtigt die nahegelegene Krokodilfarm. Doch ausgerechnet deren Tochter will einen Hai gesehen haben. (TELE 5)


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Englisch For how the group eventually dealt with the shark, I would give some extra points, but otherwise, it's all terribly dull and there's nothing special to grab you. The introduction is long and almost unnecessarily empty because you already know what has to come. You don't really want to get to know the characters so much. I'm quite disappointed that these B-movies are being so disregarded because more could be squeezed out of them. ()