Samurai Rebellion

  • Japan Jôi-uchi: Hairyô tsuma shimatsu (mehr)


Samurai Rebellion ist neben Harakiri der herausragende Samuraifilm der japanischen Regielegende Masaki Kobayashi: Die Schwiegertochter des Samurais Isaburo Sasahara (Toshirô Mifune) wird von dem feudalen Lord gekidnappt. Zwar schuldet der alternde Krieger diesem Gehorsam, scheint jedoch dem Glücks seines Sohnes weit größere Wichtigkeit beizumessen. Eine blutige Konfrontation scheint unvermeidbar. (Verleiher-Text)


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Englisch Can a hundred twenty minute Samurai chamber piece that takes place in no more than three or four rooms possibly be good? The answer is that it can and it can even be more than just good or above-average. It’s all about weaving intrigue, the Samurai sense of responsibility, being a vassal, belonging to a family clan and, primarily, about love. Although it all looks like a recording of a theatre performance, it doesn’t matter at all because, thanks to the actors, you really care about the individual characters. The icing on the cake is of course Toshiro Mifune, who radiates charisma on all sides literally every time he appears on screen. ()

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