
Gotenhafen, 1945. Zehntausende Menschen sind auf der Flucht vor der heranrückenden Roten Armee in der Hafenstadt gestrandet. Der junge zivile Fahrkapitän Hellmut Kehding erhält den Auftrag mit der “Wilhelm Gustloff” etwa 1.500 Wehrmachtsangehörige und soviele Flüchtlinge wie möglich nach Kiel zu bringen. Unter den Flüchtlingen sind Lilli Simoneit, ihr 16-jähriger Sohn Kalli und die hochschwangere Marianne. Sie hoffen wie Tausende andere auch, mit der Gustloff in Sicherheit zu gelangen. In Gotenhafen trifft Hellmuth Kehding auch seine große Liebe Erika Galetschky in Gotenhafen wieder. Sie arbeitet als Marinehelferin unter dem strengen Regiment von Berta Burkat in der Flüchtlingsaufnahme. Hellmuth setzt nun alles daran, auch sie aufs Schiff zu bringen. Doch Hellmuth Kehding ist nicht der einzige, der auf der “Wilhelm Gustloff” etwas zu sagen hat. Schnell gerät er mit dem militärischen Transportleiter, Korvettenkapitän Petri, aneinander. Petri drängt auf ein vorzeitiges Auslaufen, um seine U-Boot-Männer schnellstmöglich zum Fronteinsatz nach Kiel zu bringen. Ohne ausreichenden Geleitschutz muss die Gustloff ins Ungewisse fahren. Noch beim Ablegen am Mittag des 30. Januar gelangt ein abgefangener, dubios verschlüsselter Funkspruch an Bord. Die Schiffsführung fürchtet einen Anschlag und lässt alle Decks nach Sprengsätzen und möglichen Saboteuren durchsuchen. Als dann eine zweifelhafte Kollisionswarnung auf der Kommandobrücke eingeht, kommt es endgültig zum Eklat: Gegen Hellmuts Willen lässt Korvettenkapitän Petri die Positionslichter setzen. (Verleiher-Text)


Kritiken (2)


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Englisch Even the biggest optimists understandably cannot expect a grand spectacle like Titanic from a European television movie, but I was somewhat disappointed in the end. The problem with this film is not that it is cheap, but that it looks cheap. The Gustloff sank for approximately 50 minutes and if the creators were able to present those 50 minutes in a reasonably appropriate way, my impression would definitely be better. However, because their budget did not allow them to, or rather, they were unable to film the attack on the ship and its destruction as their finances allowed, the overall length of the film is dragged out because, with such a subject, the viewer simply expects the drama of a sinking ship. Instead, the film plays out several individual stories of passengers on the ship, but the individual characters are not as attractive and the actors are not charismatic enough to truly captivate the audience. Additionally, the screenwriter did not want to admit that the reason for the ship's destruction was the fact that by the end of January 1945, the Germans no longer controlled the Baltic Sea, so an unlikely story of a Soviet spy or rather, a German traitor infiltrating the crew was created. The reality was that the captain of the Soviet submarine had his own personal issues due to his repeated drunkenness and desperately needed success, so he took a risk and sank the first ship that crossed his path... Overall, The Crimson Ocean is an average war film that undoubtedly had greater ambitions and could have been filmed better. Overall impression: 50%. ()


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Englisch A friend from Germany recommended this film to me, and I have to admit, I knew nothing about the story of the Wilhelm Gustloff before watching this. That made me all the more curious about this three-hour TV movie. And yes, I say "TV movie" on purpose because you can definitely tell at times. But in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t really detract from the experience. The film has its dramatic characters and romance, and while there are a few unnecessary scenes, it all comes together pretty well. The last half-hour, in particular, is quite gripping, especially for a made-for-TV production. This film is crucial for educational purposes, shedding light on a story that wasn’t exactly popular at the time of its release, especially in the shadow of Titanic. But now, as more stories of Germans during WWII are being told, this is definitely a story that needs to be shared with the world. ()


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