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Kritiken (3 495)


My First Highway (2016) 

Englisch This movie surprised me. It’s proved that a movie with no emotions can still be filmed with a very high quality if it has an interesting enough script, which wasn’t an issue here at all. It’s a story about a boy who is on a seaside vacation with his parents, but it all goes awry the moment his first love tells him about quite an unpleasant experience of hers. At that moment, his life gets turned upside down and the viewer gets to watch the poor soul’s thoughts run around his head, one worse than the other. We all experienced that very uncomfortable feeling, fear or a depression stemming from an issue that can’t be undone. Exactly those are the emotions that this movie wants to transfer onto the screen. It’s interesting despite being distant and emotionless.


The Normal Heart (2014) (Fernsehfilm) 

Englisch In the first half, it’s a very raw drama about the occurrence of AIDS in a seemingly advanced culture that has a problem accepting the issue, much less solving it. At times, the first half gets very sexually explicit. On the other hand, the second half brings out a whole range of theatrical acting performances that make it apparent that this is a play turned into a movie. In this regard, it’s worth mentioning Mark Ruffalo and especially Julia Roberts who has surprised me with her character; I almost didn’t recognize her. Overall, it’s a fascinating drama, especially because it’s interesting that something like this was even happening in the 1980s.


Ice Age 5 - Kollision voraus! (2016) 

Englisch So, it’s true; this movie is most likely the worst one out of the entire series. It confirms the golden rule that when you repeat a joke far too many times, it stops being funny. So once again, there’s a squirrel with a nut, there’s an asteroid that causes ice age… over and over again. But after all, the kids probably won’t mind.


My Blind Brother (2016) 

Englisch I was surprised that this independent American drama was pretty fun – exactly the right amount considering its length. It’s not amazing, but if you feel like watching some relationship drama, the blind brother might get on your nerves in a pretty exciting way.


Toen mijn vader een struik werd (2016) 

Englisch An interesting story that takes the emotions and feelings about the World War II breaking out in Belgium and looks at them through the eyes of a kid, which doesn’t make the movie as sad and bad; it’s more like it’s full of childish surprises. Unexpectedly, it was pretty watchable, and it was interesting that the creator decided to convey the story in a positive way. It was a pleasant surprise.


Deadweight (2016) 

Englisch The story revolves around a captain of a naval ship where a Filipino man dies in an accident during loading, which the captain is responsible for. For the rest of the movie, you watch the thought processes of the captain, who is played by a Finnish actor Tommi Korpela. The director also focuses on the crew, which looks like they’re from all over the world, and the quality falters a little bit since the shots are long and boring. The psychology is depicted mostly with the captain’s character so when you’re not watching him but some Filipinos, it’s awfully boring.


Der Bulle von Tölz - Schlusspfiff (2002) (Folge) 

Englisch Finally, there’s yet another brilliant episode. Benno is on the brink of becoming the president of the local – and it should be noted – Christian soccer team. But in the midst of all the bargaining, a dead body appears in the middle of the soccer field overnight and so the investigation process begins. But since Sabrina isn’t here this time, Benno gets help from a guy from Munich who’s immediately grown on me. The young dude likes motorbikes and thinks he’s a total hotshot while Benny leans into him with one great line after another. Then there’s a crazy lady who claims that a prelate rules the entire world and runs the worst cult in Germany, which is fun to listen to. Rambold, Benny’s former colleague and a businessman, also makes an appearance as the investigation revolves around him, which he doesn’t like at all. Especially since Benno’s a little more daring with him than he is with others. Once again, I had a god laugh.


Jasper Jones (2017) 

Englisch When someone wants to shoot a movie with a kid as the main character, they should at least make sure that the kiddo acts like a kiddo, not like an adult man who doesn’t even notice that people around him have been talking about a hanging. In about half of the movie, I realized that I wasn’t going to see anything interesting, and I’ve had a hard time finishing the movie. A shame.


Ein Chanson für dich (2016) 

Englisch It’s been a long time since I’ve watched a movie and thought that the two main characters were dumber than a bag of hammers. And the soundtrack that has thrust the chanteuse into the limelight must have been composed by a one-armed amateur.


Der Bulle von Tölz - Tod nach der Disco (2002) (Folge) 

Englisch Except for Resi trying to manage her taxes and Benno making fun of her, there isn’t anything that interesting in this episode. After a few years, we discover that there’s a disco in Bad Tölz. Two young girls party hard in there and as chance would have it, one of them doesn’t come home. And so the investigation begins. I’d say it was a mediocre, even a weaker episode.