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Kritiken (3 495)


Anonyma - Eine Frau in Berlin (2008) 

Englisch The WWII seems like a bottomless well of stories. On one hand, that’s not really surprising. A Woman in Berlin might be a very interesting, original story that tells one of the tales that, for a change, took place in Berlin right before the war ended. I absolutely understand why the movie was filmed. I mean, I never really thought about what happened when the Russian army stormed Berlin. In my eyes, the war simply ended and that was that. But when I thought about it, it couldn’t have been as rosy as it’s written in books and that’s exactly why one anonymous German woman wrote a diary that this amazing movie was based on. It’s just a shame it’s so slow-paced. Because at times, it can be awfully boring, which is a common problem with war dramas. On the other hand, it really tried to show the life of the two opposing sides absolutely objectively. The objectivity is fundamental for a movie like this; without it, the telling value is basically zero. Americans but also Russians have something to say about that… We’re all people and we’re all just acting on our instincts and since that’s the truth, then nobody’s good or bad. We’re all just people with good and bad sides. I’m glad I saw a movie like this. The fair-mindedness is the movie’s main currency and it takes the story of this single woman – but also a thousand other women from Berlin – to new heights.


That's Life (2007) 

Englisch :-D How do I even rate this? Well, I had fun. :-D The punchline was amazing.


Hawaii Crime Story (2004) 

Englisch Imagine you go to a pub and get some wings. You know what to expect, it’s the cheapest food on the menu, you know you like it and you get your bellyful. Wings are an ideal simile for this movie. You go see this movie, knowing there are good actors, you turn it on and you slowly find out it’s nothing that special. You watch it, but you won’t remember it the next day… much like those pub wings.


Der Regenmacher (1997) 

Englisch I’ve already seen the Rainmaker once and I didn’t like it. When I noticed it was on TV, I gave it a second chance. But even the second time around, I just found out that lawyer movies are not my cup of tea.


V peřině (2011) 

Englisch Original – yes. The camerawork – beautiful. Brabec is a camera pro, even though everything is a bit insanely oversaturated. And the overall execution is one big crazy joke. There’s a truckload of famous actors, but you can’t say they’re showcasing great performances. Quite the opposite. And the worst thing about it were those songs. I didn’t get this one at all…


Jeff, der noch zu Hause lebt (2011) 

Englisch I’ve seen the movie Cyrus by the Duplass brothers and I didn’t like it at all. I didn’t like the way it was filmed and I especially minded the characters themselves. This movie is the complete opposite; Jason Segel is a very charismatic guy, just like Ed Helms. The style of shooting stayed the same, but in any case, I realized that Cyrus’ main issue were the actors and so I stayed with this movie till the end. But I still thought that it would be a classic American summer, a classic American independent movie. But since I liked the individual characters so much, I did like this movie a bit more. That’s why I’m giving it four stars.


New Kids Nitro (2011) 

Englisch New Kids are nuts. It’s just a shame that since the first, amazing movie, they moved onto much more disgusting hogwash. Because that really ticked me off about the movie. For example, I didn’t understand the presence of the pregnant chick who keeps showing off her turtle shell that’s supposed to look like a belly. In any case, I did have fun anyway. For example, the ending was absolutely brutal. But it pales in comparison with the first one, as that one was original and innovative. This one just fills in the time and even goes where it doesn’t have to.


Tremors - Im Land der Raketenwürmer (1990) 

Englisch I wish there were a lot more movies like this one. A total idiocy that’s well aware that it’s idiotic and it does its absolute best to at least entertain the viewer, not only with the dialogues, but with the scenes as well. Especially when it makes fun of similar movies. And what’s more, the filmmaking is really great. It proves that even a little can be enough. This was one of the few silly alien and mutant movies that doesn’t make an idiot out of the viewer and it doesn’t try to film a serious low-budget horror about superfrogs, mutant piranhas or – nowadays very popular – 3D monsters with anything abnormal that’s ready to eat us. This is pure fun and that’s what I love about this movie.


Immer Drama um Tamara (2010) 

Englisch This movie is really befitting the word “subtle”. The only anomaly about that is the gorgeous Gemma Arterton who surpasses everything subtle about the movie. Apart from the word subtle, “relaxed” and “dry” also suits the movie. And that’s about it. I think that the classic country character could have been introduced far better, like in another British movie – The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain. In any case, it’s a relaxed piece and if you don’t have any other movie ready for the evening, it’s pleasant to watch.


The Double – Eiskaltes Duell (2011) 

Englisch Richard Gere’s movies are generally very underrated on this site. For example, The Hunting Party or The Mothman Prophecies. That’s why I thought that no matter the rating on here, the movie can actually be a pretty well-made thriller. I don’t really care about the average ratings and when it comes to Richard Gere’s movies, I technically ignore the ratings altogether. I can honestly say that I was really excited about this movie. Truly excited. And frankly, it was a fairly big disappointment. The story is crazy, the execution is very B-grade, the music also plays into all that. Only the actors aren’t terrible, but that’s just not enough for a political thriller that’s supposed to come up with something… shocking, which the movie was, but it didn’t really evoke any emotions in me. I’d even say that the director messed up big time.

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