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Kritiken (10 821)


Metropolitan (1990) 

Englisch While the script of Metropolitan is definitely very well written and has moments that are great, and even though the dialogue isn't boring, somehow I just couldn't get into the film overall, as if I somehow just disliked all the characters that are presented and didn't enjoy watching them.


Der Alchimist (1983) 

Englisch The Alchemist is once again a bit of a family affair. Charles Band took over the direction, which is standard, and of course he also didn't forget about the production. He wasn't involved in the script, or at least not enough to make the credits. On the other hand, his brother Richard contributed to the musical aspect of the film, but unfortunately, he doesn't excel in this respect either. Overall, the film is one of the worst I've seen from Band.


Villisca (2016) 

Englisch The Axe Murders of Villisca pretends to be a slasher, but it's not. It's like a detective story where you might find out the identity of the killer. You can forget about it being interesting in any way in that regard. Then it seems like it’s a ghost film, but even here the creators didn't hit the nail on the head. It's just a mess in every way, including the psychological drama, which is probably what the film is most.


Loveless (2017) 

Englisch Even though at times something like hope shines through the film, you still get the feeling that something rather dark and depressing is constantly hovering over the characters. And over the viewer, too. It's as if everything the characters do is somehow wrong, and there's no way to get out of the loop under any circumstances. However, you still want to watch to the end.


The Watcher - Willkommen im Motor Way Motel (2018) 

Englisch If it didn't lose its breath towards the end and if its culmination wasn't honestly quite boring and predictable, I would rate the film even better, because Cage suited the role of the voyeur quite well. However, it would need a slightly different direction, a slightly different path. Like this, it's more of a good start with a bad ending.


Paddington 2 (2017) 

Englisch While I didn't think it could live up to the first film, the story overall was pretty interesting and quite wacky, plus there are characters that are just great, especially because of how they were played by great British or Irish actors. In places it's beautiful to look at, and it's entertaining but also touching when it needs to be.


Liebe pro Quadratmeter (2018) 

Englisch An Indian romance that isn't particularly exceptional, but you'll still enjoy watching it. Indians have come so far in the genre of romantic comedies that they know exactly who to choose for casting, they know precisely that the person will not annoy the audience and instead will make them get attached to them. They're all like that in this film.


Life Is Sweet (1990) 

Englisch In Life is Sweet, Mike Leigh manages to look at his characters with realism - sometimes painful realism, and insight and humor. For example with the character played by Timothy Spall, you're never sure the entire time if he's overacting on purpose or if it's all for effect. However, every character is human and has depth.


Circle (2010) 

Englisch The film Circle has a detective case that might not be bad, and it's not, but the way it's presented and the way it's investigated leads to it being just a bore that nothing can improve. Not the naked girls, not the killing, and not the revelation of the mystery connected with the case. An easily forgettable film that's not worth your attention if you're picky.


Chasing Coral (2017) 

Englisch A beautiful example of how man can destroy something truly beautiful. There will still be people who will say that nothing is happening, that pollution is just hype. It's not, and we've destroyed enough. It is good that there are people who want to change the situation, but the question is whether it is not already too late.