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Kritiken (2 984)


Criminal Minds (2005) (Serie) 

Englisch we have a poster with South American fresh water dolphins and over there there’s a VHS cassette with a b+w movie on it; on the basis of this information, the murderer is a compulsive nostalgic and a perverse obsession with bodies of water. That’s about how psychological profiles are created and presented by the “professionals" in this series. The template for each separate episode is identical. The directing is tired and the only watchable “trademark" of the whole series is the visual combination of Gideon’s hypotheses with the reality of how a crime might have been committed. It’s not just unwatchable, it is barely mediocre. And, at a time when we currently have more than enough crime series on Czech TV, is simply too little.


Thank You for Smoking (2005) 

Englisch Nick doesn’t lie or try to hide the truth... He just filters it. An (a)morally flexible picture not unlike Lord of War. Eckhart is maturing with each new movie he appears in and Jason Reitman confirmed with his (commercial) debut that he is a director that knows how to work with difficult topics intelligently and very comically and it doesn’t matter at all that the picture is a mere revue of scenes steeped in black humor and satire.


Bowling for Columbine (2002) 

Englisch Or what happens when a demagogue starts taking shots at people... Pure demagoguery wrapped in great opinionated black and white filmmaking.


Roger & Me (1989) 

Englisch Basically, this is like the demo for Bowling for Columbine. That's where Moore perfects his demagogically confrontational style.


Der Schuh des Manitu (2001) 

Englisch A surprisingly bearable movie that is better than some of the more recent adaptations of Karl May’s books about the Wild West. You will find a few really lame and embarrassing gags here, but luckily these are outweighed by a few ideas of genius. Most of the rest of the movie is a decent parody on adaptations of May’s works (once very popular in Central Europe) with some nods to other pictures too.


Asterix bei den Briten (1986) 

Englisch The only one of all the Asterix films that is a quality adaptation of a storybook adventure. Smart, yet understandable humour, this time spiced with a pinch of English dry humour.


Asterix erobert Rom (1976) 

Englisch The only Asterix movie that isn’t even a loose adaptation of any of the Asterix comic books is paradoxically almost the best of them all (apart from Asterix versus Caesar). While the downfall of the other Asterix movies is the unsuccessful transfer of the intelligent but universally comprehensible humor of the books, here the creators managed to think up absolutely insane tasks performable only by gods and maintain the spirit of the adventures from the comic books.


Unzertrennlich (2003) 

Englisch For a comedy, it lacks humor and for a drama, it lacks a dramatic line. Yet the premise undoubtedly has comedy potential and the FratPack crew could certainly make something out of it. At least the Farrelly brothers toned down on the coarse-grained humour this time.


Zoolander (2001) 

Englisch Ingeniously dumb and dumbly ingenious - a total parody of a lifestyle, life and everything. Indescribable absurdity multiplied by infinity, which goes all the way ad absurdum. For Christ’s sake, I so want to a man who looks not just good, but really good, like a male model, and I wish I could manage at least Zoolander’s Magnum. I’m not setting my sights on Blue Steel quite yet, but the day will come... Lucky I have this on CD and so can have countless repeat viewings to get Derek’s prize expression down to a T.


Clerks 2 - Die Abhänger (2006) 

Englisch Smith returns to his New Jersey gang of slackers after a break of twelve years, and we can only be grateful, as the characters of Randell and Dante still have a lot to say after all this time. The new characters are as memorable as the ones already familiar to us. Rosaria Dawson is a convincing actor and the Catholic, Elias, will definitely get to you. Like most of Kevin's films, it's based primarily on brilliantly polished dialogs – both serious and pop cultural. In addition to the beautifully captured melancholy, above all they give us brilliant humor. I laughed at most of the scenes long after they ended (if this movie doesn't convince you that Bay's feature-length Transformers has a philosophical message of the highest quality, I don't know what will). Last but not least, the iconic Jay and Silent Bob duo returns to the screen in top form. I sincerely hope that we will meet this bunch again in another decade’s time...