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Kritiken (747)


Following (1998) 

Englisch Perhaps not as subtly thought out (even though... :))) as Nolan's top pieces, but already here – in his (and it must be said very successful) debut Christopher Nolan shows his undeniable writing and directing abilities, which he manages to bring to near perfection over the course of his subsequent work. The first 30-40 minutes or so I may have been a little bored at times, but once the reveal (actually, two reveals :))) came, I was completely engrossed.


Donnie Darko - Fürchte die Dunkelheit (2001) 

Englisch Donnie Darko is exactly the kind of movie where almost everything works perfectly – a very original script, excellent directing, atmosphere!!!, great choice of music, and of course a cast that is ultra likable. Although I have my own interpretation of the ending and I really can't say in good conscience that I understood everything, the overall feeling is definitely five stars.


Irreversibel (2002) 

Englisch If the main goal of this film was merely to shock, it probably succeeded admirably. The two "twisted" scenes are very powerful and brutal, but in the end they are the only thing you remember from the film – the other content is more or less boring. Still, I’m giving it 4 stars because I haven't experienced such a depressing feeling in a long time.


Das Fest (1998) 

Englisch Apart from the main storyline (with the father), it's still quite interesting to see the gradual profiling of the characters (although for some of them it's obvious from the beginning) and also the reactions of the "mob", which are mostly an exemplary display of hypocrisy and narrow-mindedness. A brilliant, gritty, thought-provoking drama that is also the best representative of the Dogme 95 manifesto.


Eclipse - Biss zum Abendrot (2010) 

Englisch Probably the darkest (however, I'm still cautious about using that word in the case of Twilight – in short, with a grain of salt) and most action-packed installment of the entire series, but one that still suffers from the same ills that run through the saga – whether it's the emo-gay-metro Ed or the occasionally more-than-awkward dialogue or behavior of the characters (Bella clearly leads the way in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse) Unlike the two previous ones, I was also quite looking forward to the third installment, because I've really liked David Slade's work so far, so I was secretly hoping for a meat scene ala 30 Days of Night)) The result is that THIS is, in my opinion, material so "heavy" and impossible to grasp in a reasonable or tasteful way that anyone would break teeth on it, being limited by a script that doesn't really give rise to any real directorial exhibition. And if I were to overthink it a lot, I could say that at times there was an attempt at a sort of psychology of the characters (specifically the Cullen vampires and their pasts) that didn't bother me that much. Out of the entire series, this for me is the most bearable instalment so far, and the one that pisses me off the least.


New Moon - Biss zur Mittagsstunde (2009) 

Englisch Stupid, boring, awfully long, often with such "charming" dialogue that I was completely enchanted... The star is for the occasionally fitting music and for Kristen Stewart's acting, but otherwise misery and squalor, folks...


Death Proof - Todsicher (2007) 

Englisch Tarantino has simply got it down. The question is what his films would be without the music, which is so brilliantly compiled every time that it takes a seemingly unremarkable scene up a notch. On the other hand, even without the music, there's still a lot of cool stuff here – whether it's the stylish cars, the silly but still pretty funny female spiel, the final car chase, or the perversely likable Kurt Russell.)) And again, I'm thinking the same thing: damn, it’s got style!!! :)))


Adulthood (2008) 

Englisch A bit more mature and, most importantly, "adult" than its predecessor. Simply: after kidulthood comes adulthood.))


Kidulthood (2006) 

Englisch Well-chosen actors, a soundtrack set to the rhythm of GB hip-hop (music very close to my heart) that perfectly illustrates the gritty and "dirty" urban atmosphere, and pretty decent visuals – these three things pull Kidulthood out of the average for teen dramas. If it weren't for the psychological austerity and simplicity, I'd even consider 5 stars. Instead of more fleshed out characters, Kidulthood evokes disgust, pity, helplessness, and sympathy right from the start as it bombards the viewer with harsh scenes of bullying. For my part, perhaps the most absurd fact (I had similar feelings about Fish Tank) is that despite all the prejudice, hatred and depressing overtones, the whole setting is bizarrely appealing (be it because of the "freedom", living with minimal parental interference, and having to deal with all the shit yourself). Adulthood is even a hair better. :)


Ein Mann, drei Leben – Mr. Nobody (2009) 

Englisch How I love these "fated", biographical, and "life" movies... I don't want to go into the climax here, or address what made what sense and why -- because I had so many feelings and emotions (in something akin to Fincher's The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) wrestling inside me for those two hours that any complaints about the cheapness, superficiality, or how Mr. Nobody desperately tries to be a film about everything, while being a thousand times warmed-over cliché about practically nothing, are completely beyond me. Jared Leto (whoever suggested him for the role deserves a golden figurine :)) rocks in a role not quite typical for him, but in an all the more interesting acting position(s). Okay, not to jinx it – I admit it was a bit overwrought at times, but that doesn't change the fact of how brilliantly narrated is was, how emotive, and how much heart it has :)) Damn, this movie got me :)), because it really has something to it.