Fernando Pérez

Fernando Pérez


Graduated in Spanish Language and Literature from the Havana University. He is a filmmaker and writer. He has been published many articles and film reviews and he has given lessons on Film Appreciation and History of Cinema at the Havana University and at the International Film and Television School in San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba. In 1962, after studying Commerce and Russian language, he started his activities in film industry as an assistant producer and translator. In 1971 he collaborated as an assistant director in several fiction feature films. In 1975 he started his career as a documentary filmmaker and his filmography in this genre is over a dozen titles, to which we must add the realization of numerous editions of ICAIC Latin American Newsreel. In 1987 he directed his first full-length fiction film. His films has been awarded numerous prizes in national and foreign competitions and festivals, both in America and in Europe. He received in 1982, the Award Casa de las Américas in the genre of testimony for his book Corresponsales de guerra. His filmography as a fiction director includes the following titles: Clandestinos (1988); Hello Hemingway (1990); Madagascar (1994); Y si fuera cierto (Eight-chapter series for Chilean TV together with Silvio Caiozzi) (1996); La vida es silbar (1998). In 2003 he wrote and directed the documentary film Suite Habana, which portraits the everyday life of several Havanan people at the beginning of twenty first century.

Festival Internacional de Cine de Huesca





Versión española