Jaime Chávarri

Jaime Chávarri

geb. 20.03.1943 (81 Jahre)
Madrid, Madrid, Spanien


He graduated in Law. Since 1962 he started to make eight milimeters films. In 1968 he entered the Official School of Cinema, where he studied two years. At the same time he worked as scriptwriter, assistant director, actor, editor and in dubbing. He also wrote and directed projects for television, and in 1981 he started a career as a theatre director. Among his films, we could mention: El desencanto (1976), A un Dios desconocido (1978), Dedicatoria (1980), Bearn, o la sala de muñecas (1982), Las bicicletas son para el verano (1983), Las cosas del querer (1989), Besos para todos (2000).

Festival Internacional de Cine de Huesca



